Toolbar icon pack for foobar2000 (default UI)

This is a basic icon pack for foobar2000 (default UI) made with GIMP 2.8.22. Thought I'd share it in case any one else needed toolbar icons (since there are only a few included with foobar by deafault). This pack doesn't cover every single icon, but will cover a lot of the important ones. There are 18 icons.
The following icons are covered:
-Stop after current
-Reshuffle (2 types: standard shuffle arrows or dice)
-Open containing folder
-File / Open...
-File / Open audio CD...
-File / Preferences
-Library / Rescan folders
-View / Visualizations... (2 types: an eyeball and a droplet for MilkDrop)
-View / Console

Mix and match as you please, of course.
I might add more in the future.
You can save the icons to any location but I recommend putting them in the main foobar program files folder for convenience, in a subfolder called toolbar icons or something similar.
To apply them:
- Right click the toolbar area in foobar (the area with the icons)
- Click 'Customize Buttons'
- Click 'Change Icon'
- Navigate to the icon you want to use for that particular button.
- Press OK and that's it