sc88sysex is a Roland SC-88 System Exclusive Librarian, written as a Bash script for Linux.
Edit and run the provided script to install it. This script needs bash, amidi (from the ALSA utilities) and a few other command line utilities.
sc88sysex [-v] [-h] [-p PORT] [-d DEVICEID] [-t TIMEOUT] {-a ADDRESS -z SIZE | -c COMMAND} [-r|-s FILENAME]
-h Prints a help message. -v Prints more verbose messages. -p PORT Sets the raw MIDI port to which receive and send SYSEX messages. -d DEVICEID Sets the device number assigned to the SC-88 in the MIDI network. -t TIMEOUT Sets the number of seconds to wait for data before closing the receiving session. -a ADDRESS Sets the address of the system exclusive data to be transferred. It can be a symbolic name or three hex constants. List of the predefined symbolic addresses: BULKDUMP INTDRINST INTDRMLST INTSNDLST -z SIZE Sets the size of the system exclusive transfer. It can be a symbolic name or three hex constants. List of the predefined symbolic sizes: ALL ALL1 ALL2 DRUMSET64 DRUMSET65 DRUMSETS GS1 GS2 SC55 SC88 TONEBANK64 TONEBANK65 TONEBANKS -c COMMAND Sets a command to be sent to the SC-88 as a system exclusive message. It can be a symbolic name or three hex constants. List of the predefined commands: GMRESET GSRESET MODE1 MODE2 -r FILE Save the receive data under this file name (optional). If not specified, the file name is built upon the given address and size arguments. -s FILE Sends the contents of this file name.
~/.sc88sysexrc personal configuration /etc/sc88sysexrc system wide configuration You can set your preferred default options in a config file either in your home directory or as a global configuration file in /etc. The format is simply a set of lines having a expression of VARIABLE=value type. You can add more symbolic addresses, sizes and commands here. If you don't provide one, the following default options take effect: MIDIPORT="hw:0" (MIDI Port: hw:0) DEVICEID=10 (Device ID: 10) TIMEOUT=3 (Timeout: 3 seconds) LIBDIR=~/SC88LIB (Library directory: $HOME/SC88LIB)
sc88sysex -a BULKDUMP -z ALL Sends a bulk dump request using the default MIDI port to the SC-88, and stores the received data in a file named "sc88_bulkdump_all.syx" sc88sysex -c GSRESET Sends a GS reset command to the SC-88 sc88sysex -s dump.syx Sends a data file "dump.syx" to the SC-88. sc88sysex -a '40 00 00' -z '00 00 04' -r deftune.syx Gets the master tune parameter from the SC-88 saving it on a file named "deftune.syx"