A small utility, written in Python, to record and replay BMP packetsvery useful for devloping around the protocol.
Originally part of OpenBMP dev tools, it eventually disappeared fromthe known cyber space. The idea is to make this tool public again forthe community to enjoy and improve.
To record:bmp_play.py -m record -p 1790 -f bmp.dump
To replay:bmp_play.py -m play -p 1790 -f bmp.dump -d
Replay a dump 3 times with 60 secs delay between the plays. Once finished, keep the TCP connection up:
bmp_play.py -m play -p 1790 -f bmp.dump -d -l 3 -i 60 -k
Replay a dump forever with 120 secs delay between the plays:
bmp_play.py -m play -p 1790 -f bmp.dump -d -l 0 -i 120
A small utility, written in Python, to filter pre-recorded BMP packetsby BMP message type.
bmp_filter.py -i /path/to/file.bmp -o /path/to/output/file.bmp --statistics-report --peer-down --peer-up --initiation