A passionate Full stack developer, Software Engineer, and Business Intelligence student from Morocco
🌱 I’m anAngular, .NET Develloper
💬 Ask me aboutEverything related to modern technologies on the web
📫 How to reach meoussama.hdidou.pro@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experienceshttps://oussamahdidou.vercel.app/
📄 Know about my experiencesMy Resume
- traveling-booking
traveling-booking PublicThe world's first online platform for Booking hotels restaurants and actiities (in .NET Core Angular)
- Cloud-Native-Solution-for-Inventory-and-Marketplace-and-Accounting-Service-Integration
Cloud-Native-Solution-for-Inventory-and-Marketplace-and-Accounting-Service-Integration PublicCloud-Native Solution for Inventory and Marketplace and Accounting Service Integration (.NET Core ,Spring Boot , React ,Aspire )
C# 1
- inventory-manager-springboot-react
inventory-manager-springboot-react Publicinventory management of construction company (Spring Boot React)
TypeScript 1
- Movies-Room-react-typescript
Movies-Room-react-typescript PublicThe world's first online platform for Movies (in React tmdb)
- plastic-pollution-detection
plastic-pollution-detection Publicapplication that detect plastic pollution in oceans using Convolutional Neural Network
Jupyter Notebook
- RH-system-management-and-ChatBot
RH-system-management-and-ChatBot PublicRH management system with recrutement stats and payements and a chatbot (in .NET Core Angular flask)
Jupyter Notebook
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