Flávio Pavimflaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares:Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino
Markus Rauhalahtimrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Ostap Tanostaptan
Math | Chess | Philosophy | Cognitive Science | Natural Language Understanding | Genetics
@ostaptan Earth
Interests: tech writing, amatuer programming, iterative design.Ask me about 3D printed buskill cables.
Nomi Harrisnlharris
Program Manager for@berkeleybop; Chair of the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC, https://www.open-bio.org/events/bosc/)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA
My works:✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive
Pune, India
Florian KotthoffFlorianK13
@OFFIS | @open-pv Oldenburg
Simon C. Kempersimonckemper
Data Scientist at the National Archives of the Netherlands & co-founder of TextPast
Frank de Groot - SchoutenFrankDeGroot
Making coding mistakes since the 80s and professionally since '97 in .net, Java and JavaScript and hobbying in many more.
Info Support Utrecht, Netherlands
Nicolai Kofod-JensenNKofod
Data Science student with an interest in Politics, Whiskey, Fantasy and Science fiction books, etc.Mostly private projects.
University of Copenhagen
Kozo Nishidakozo2
PyData Osaka organizer,Bioconductor Community Advisory Board,Software Carpentry Japanese Team
Tokyo, Japan
Harry Caufieldcaufieldjh
Knowledge graphs, text mining, biomedical informatics, ontologies, data standards, etc.@Knowledge-Graph-Hub
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dmitry Halavachdhalavach
Business Analyst | Technical Product Manager.Enthusiastic software industry generalist. Business/systems analysis + experience in frontend and backend
Princeton, NJ
Rajavi Shahrajavishah
Software Engineering Intern@broadinstitute | Master's in Software Engineering Systems at Northeastern University
Joshua Taillonjat255
Materials Data Scientist at the NIST Office of Data and Informatics
National Institute of Standards and Technology (@usnistgov) Boulder, CO
Marco Montanarisirmmo
Software Architect. Gamer. Visionary. President and lead dev at@openhistorymap and@JustPlayBo
ingmmo.com, Epoca Ricerca, OpenHistoryMap Bologna, italy
Brantley HarrisDeadWisdom
Principal engineer, expert in web api development, constant experimenter --These days I play with ai/llms, python, web components, typescript, and unreal engine
Marcus Chibucos, Ph.D.mchibucos
I am interested in ontology engineering, semantic modeling, graph databases, RDF, machine learning, bioinformatics, and scripting in Python, R, and BASH.