linkml linkml Discussions
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LinkML Discussions
General nlharris
You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote Add xsd (XML Schema) generator
enhancementNew feature or request generator-miscPertaining to more than one generator, or perhaps one that doesn't exist yet You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote Iterating on linkml-project-cookiecutter with usability feedback?
devopspoetry, setuptools, actions, etc. related changes cookiecutter community-generatedYou must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote Use LinkML to manage RO-Crate archives
enhancementNew feature or request community-generatedYou must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote You must be logged in to vote