Ankeet Pokhrelankit18pl
my name is ankit pokhrel.Iam learning Computer science .Iam new to github.
no Nepal
Royas Shakyashkroyas
Tech enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and a desire to leave a positive mark in the digital world. 💻
Manish Shivabhaktitheidealmanish
ML Coordinator@kuosc2005 | Full Stack Developer (MERN)@theidealcompany | AI/ML Enthusiast
i love building things on computer.
Abhiyan Dhakalabhiyandhakal
I'm Abhiyan Dhakal, a passionate fullstack web developer, Rust developer and Linux einthusiast.
Ishan Ojhaozaishan
* undergraduate of ComputerScience at Kathmandu University.* reach me
Banepa, Nepal
Nirjal Bhurtelerwinschrodinger1
who aspires to be developer to help the world turn into mid-technological era
Anamol Sapkotaanamolsapkota
Tech Enthusiast | Website Designer | Network/Cyber Security Enthusiast
Kathmandu University Nepal