Paribesh Ranabhatranabhat
Lifelong learner and developer. I spend my free time tinkering with open-source software and sharpening my skills.
@ranabhat Finland
Vincent Claescteqeu
Hacking the world of Electronics with focus on FPGA, GPU and Machine Learning
Vincent Claes Hasselt
Ryo Tazmar-tatsu
Digital Design engineer
Hitachi Infomation & Telecommunication Engineering, Ltd. Japan
Michael OrrOrrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada
WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA
Shaunak Galvankarshaunakgalvankar
Code Bloded....The time is not far when people in shorts will rule the world..
San Francisco Bay Area
Elvin Encos Mazwimairielvin2words
Electrical Engineer | Systems Developer | Digital DesignerBuilding smart solutions in power systems, AI, and automation for a sustainable future.
Duy LeLeQuangDuy178
An ASIC/SoC RTL Verification Engineer and AI/ML/Deep Learning Developer
Toan Phat