Nelson Kipsangneilsohn9
LIVE🔹LAUGH🔹LOVE🔹LEARN!🙏🤪❣️🙈🙉🙊You Have To Be Willing To Squish The Grapes In Order To Drink The Wine
University of Eldoret Eldoret
Akhil Sakthieswaranfalconakhil
Student at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
Krishna TulsyanktLearner
NITK'26I am interested in learning new technologies and exploring ways to implement them in real-life scenarios.
Vanshika MittalVanshika-Mittal
I'm a 2nd year CSE Undergrad at NITK, Surathkal. I have experience in ML, App Dev, C++, Java and Python.I was a Finalist on Google India Code to Learn 2022.
@IEEE-NITK, @WebClub-NITK Bangalore, India
Akhilesh NegiAkNegi924
Hello, I am an AI undergraduate at NITK. I want to work in the field of ML and DS.
Rohith SureshRS2007
Engineering Physics undergrad | Trying to figure out how computers work from the transistor | Avid linux and neovim user
Aspiring Artificial Intelligence Research Scientist | Researcher | CSE '24
Marthandam, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Electrical and Electronics Engineer,NITK'25Passionate about embedded systems and control engineering.