- addon-previewer
addon-previewer Public🖼【多模态文档预览插件(纯本地版,效果和兼容性更好,可适配存储)】跨平台支持Office(docx/xlsx/pptx) / WPS / iWork / PDF / CAD / 代码文档、图片、视频、音频、压缩包等大部分文件的预览 A local multimodal previewer for most kinds of documents.
- cad2x-converter
cad2x-converter Public🗜️【CAD转换命令行工具】支持从DXF、DWG转换成DXF、PDF、PNG、SVG格式 [cad2x] Minimal stand-alone CLI tool convert CAD files (DXF / DWG) to other formats (DXF / PDF / PNG / SVG)
- phone_images
phone_images Public📱 常见手机型号照片,包括苹果和主要安卓厂商(华为、荣耀、小米、红米、Oppo、一加、Realme、Vivo、魅族、联想、中兴、samsung、锤子、Google、HTC等)
- iwork-converter Public Forked fromdunhamsteve/iwork
Code to convert iWork files (pages/numbers/keynote) to HTML / JSON / Text
orcastor/iwork-converter’s past year of commit activity - fico Public
🔬【FileICOn】从文件提取图标(支持图片[bmp/gif/jpg/jpeg/jp2/jpeg2000/png/tiff]、图标[ico/icns]、Windows可执行文件[exe/dll]、资源文件[mui/mun]、Linux可执行文件[*.desktop{*.AppImage/*.run}]、手机应用安装包[apk/ipa]、Windows文件夹图标[autorun.inf/desktop.ini]、MacOSX程序[*.app])Extract icon from file or directory.
orcastor/fico’s past year of commit activity - phone_images Public
📱 常见手机型号照片,包括苹果和主要安卓厂商(华为、荣耀、小米、红米、Oppo、一加、Realme、Vivo、魅族、联想、中兴、samsung、锤子、Google、HTC等)
orcastor/phone_images’s past year of commit activity - unpack Public
【WIP】📦 一款脱壳工具,能够识别并尝试脱除常见的PE壳,如UPX、ASPack等,帮助用户进行软件逆向工程和恶意软件分析。This is an unpacking tool that can identify and attempt to remove common PE shells like UPX and ASPack, aiding in software reverse engineering and malware analysis.
orcastor/unpack’s past year of commit activity - x2t-converter Public Forked fromONLYOFFICE/core
Server core components which are a part of ONLYOFFICE Document Server
orcastor/x2t-converter’s past year of commit activity - cad2x-converter Public
🗜️【CAD转换命令行工具】支持从DXF、DWG转换成DXF、PDF、PNG、SVG格式 [cad2x] Minimal stand-alone CLI tool convert CAD files (DXF / DWG) to other formats (DXF / PDF / PNG / SVG)
orcastor/cad2x-converter’s past year of commit activity - addon-previewer Public
🖼【多模态文档预览插件(纯本地版,效果和兼容性更好,可适配存储)】跨平台支持Office(docx/xlsx/pptx) / WPS / iWork / PDF / CAD / 代码文档、图片、视频、音频、压缩包等大部分文件的预览 A local multimodal previewer for most kinds of documents.
orcastor/addon-previewer’s past year of commit activity