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Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- New filterByContentInAnyProperty() method in Tab to filter for astring value in any column.- New isJavaIdentifier() method in Strings utility class.- Works nicely with core OpenXava code using Visual Studio Code,including running the openxavatest suite.- Log4j API and core upgraded to 2.24.3.- Jersey client, hk2 and media upgraded to 2.46.- Json upgraded to 20241224.- JSoup upgraded to 1.18.3.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.98.- Driver version in doc/new projects upgraded for AS/400.- Lessons 8 and 9 of the reporting course with JasperReports availablein the documentation with video.- Fixed 1 security vulnerability in dependencies, now we have 0vulnerabilities.- Fix: XSS vulnerability using script injection in module URLparameters.- Fix: Content-Security-Policy error in browser console related to#"user" data-hovercard-url="/users/onchange/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/onchange">@onchange action produces anIndexOutOfBoundsException.- Fix: Deleting an entity with a foreign key restriction shows aconfusing FK2342432343 message to the user.- Fix: Tab.setBaseCondition() sometimes invalidates condition from@tab(baseCondition=) or other condition.- Fix: All English archetypes include a null folder in the createdproject.- Fix: Loading... message fixed with a@calculation property of areference inside a hidden section.- Fix: Action labels in subcontroller not aligned correctly when actionshave images of different sizes.- Fix: Typing to change a reference in an@ElementCollection fails ifthe ID is not among the properties.
Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- New projects from archetypes include links to doc, default controllersand sample code in controllers.xml.- JSoup upgraded to 1.18.2.- Lombok upgraded to 1.18.36.- Log4j API and core upgraded to 2.24.2.- Driver version in doc/new projects upgraded for Informix and Db2.- Article about dashboard creation available in the documentation withvideo.- Video for creating a project management app included in the projecttemplates documentation article.- Controllers reference documentation improved to include links tosample code controllers.- Fix:@ElementCollection with@readonly does not recognize the last rowif it contains a boolean property.- Fix: Saves null for the foreign key if an@ElementCollectionreferences an entity with a hidden key.- Fix: Calendar list format forgets the user-selected month afterreturning to the list from detail.- Fix: Drag & drop in the calendar list format fails when the date is oftype LocalDate.- Fix: Tooltip duplicated in calendar list format after drag & drop arecord from one day to another.- Fix: Fails to filter by record count when the list is grouped.- Fix:@max annotation cancels the effect of@digits(fraction=) and@column(scale=).- Fix: Wrong OpenXava base directory (the .openxava folder) path in someUNIX systems running as root user.- Fix: If one property is used in more than one@calculation only thefirst@calculation property works.- Fix: Using a view of the parent entity that is not present in themodule entity breaks the module.- Fix: Permits data entry enabling attackers to read arbitrary files via=WEBSERVICE calls in LibreOffice.- Fix: Lots of SQL queries for recalculating property values onchange-dependent properties in some cases.- Fix: Collection total recalculated many times if depends on a propertyof main view with two collections.
Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- List header labels are multiline with resizeColumns=true varying thenumber of lines as the width changes.- Invoicing archetypes include an initial database populated with sampledata.- HSQLDB upgraded to 2.7.4.- Hibernate Validator upgraded to 6.2.5.- Groovy upgraded to 4.0.24.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.97.- Driver version in doc/new projects upgraded for Oracle.- Article in documentation about how to use project templates orarchetypes.- Lesson 7 of the reporting course with JasperReports available in thedocumentation with video.- 'How to install' documentation improved to cover some tips to workwith Mac.- Fixed 1 security vulnerability in dependencies, now we have 0vulnerabilities.- Fix: Drag & drop in the tree does not move the element to the correctplace and removes nodes.- Fix: If an exception is produced by the getter of a calculatedcollection the module breaks.- Fix: Third level properties in baseCondition but not in list for@tabfails for certain properties names.- Fix: Modules don't start in production Tomcat with some Linux and JDKswith a javax.swing.KeyStroke error.- Fix: Calculated property outside a group that@Depends on a propertyinside that group is not calculated.- Fix: Default width for icon type columns too big whenresizeColumns=true.- Fix: Date and some numeric values truncated on the right by defaultwhen resizeColumns=true in wide lists.- Fix: SchemaTool does not work against Oracle.- Fix: Checkbox of boolean editor badly aligned.- Fix:@onchange in a reference not triggered on typing if thereferenced model has a @SearchKey reference.- Fix: Clearing a reference value does not fire the changed message onleaving the record.- Fix: 'Open in new tab' row action does not work for lists annotatedwith @OrderColumn.- Fix: The tree collapses when the dialog closes if idProperties of@Tree uses a property other than 'id'.
Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- New changeLast() in Strings utility class to change the lastoccurrence of a string inside another string.- The error message in list format when the query fails is now red.- Added reinit property to ReturnPreviousModuleAction to customize theinitiation of the module on return.- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.- JasperReports and fonts upgraded to 6.21.4.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.96.- Driver version in doc/new projects upgraded for MySQL and Firebird.- Documentation in reference guide to manage programmatically files of@File/@Files/FILE/FILES properties.- Fix: Using a permalink, it's possible to access a record not availablein the list.- Fix: AccessTracker sends all values for the key upon modification for@AsEmbedded references.- Fix: Using qualified properties, ${this.someReference.someProperty},in @SearchListCondition doesn't work.- Fix: Errors in executing the query are not noticeable to the user inthe calendar list format.- Fix: View.getKeyValues() sometimes includes non-key values, such as__MODEL_NAME__ or@Version properties.- Fix: Not applicable warning about not validating a __MODEL_NAME__member in the log.- Fix: Module broken when sending a message that includes{somekey=somevalue} with addError/Message().- Fix: The date field set by the calendar list format when creating anew record is String instead of Date.- Fix: @DescriptionsList in section/group dependent (with this.) on amember in another section/group fails.- Fix: Return to PREVIOUS_MODULE with hasReinitNextModule inIChangeModuleAction not execute on-init action.- Fix: Third level qualified properties in baseCondition of@tab failsif those properties are not in list.- Fix: Tree is not shown correctly when it's inside a reference.- Fix: NullPointerException in the log when clicking an action insidethe dialog on a tree element.
Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- New Maven archetypes "openxava-invoicing-archetype" in English andSpanish (-spanish).- Simple view layout when flowLayout=true applied until 15 plainproperties instead of 8.- Groovy upgraded to 4.0.23.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.95.- Log4j API and core upgraded to 2.24.1.- Lesson 6 of the reporting course with JasperReports available in thedocumentation with video.- Fix: The tree editor ignores hierarchy and order.- Fix: Search in a reference typing the key can get a record excludedfrom the search using the dialog.- Fix: The chosen date in the list calendar format is not remembered bythe user between sessions.- Fix: Combo for choosing date in calendar list format disappears fromtime to time.- Fix: Calendar list format fails when baseCondition references a notdisplayed qualified property.- Fix: Members with underscores (_) in the name (snake_case) are notshown in detail mode.- Fix: Default properties in list (when@tab is missing) does notinclude references if snake_case is used.- Fix: Automatic label generation for identifier with snake_caseincludes the _.- Fix: Simple layout with flowLayout=true not used for view with asingle reference if not explicit@view.- Fix: IllegalStateException (request object ... recycled) in log onsaving preferences from time to time.- Fix: Layout for groups side by side does not work correctly forflowLayout=true.- Fix: Bottom buttons mounted on view with flowLayout=true when we placetwo frames in the same row.- Fix: Charts in list mode broken if user does a "Group by" afterchanging chart type.
Dashboard, popup for row actions and 30+ features-@Chart annotation for collections to display the collection as a chartfrom its data.- @LargeDisplay annotation to display a property value in large format,with large fonts, spacing, etc.-@simplelist annotation for collections to display it without actions,filters, pagination, sorting, etc.- Master-Detail archetypes include a dashboard and use@calculationinstead of calculated properties.- The invoicedemo project includes a dashboard and uses@calculationinstead of calculated properties.- Example of creating a dashboard in openxavatest with theStaffDashboard module.- Popup menu for row actions in list and collections when there are morethan two actions.- New 'Open in new tab' row action by default in collections.- New delete action for collection that always deletes the elementcompletely from the database.- @DeleteSelectedAction annotation for collection to define a customaction for deleting an element.- Icon and label for remove action in collection changed to indicate itjust removes from the collection.- New @NoDefaultActions annotation for not showing default actions for aspecific collection.- @RowStyle in@tab(rowStyles=) for list mode works for card listformat.- As @DescriptionsList defaults, 'name' takes preferences over'description', and 'title' is recognized.- @SearchListCondition allows the use of${this.somePropertyDisplayedInView} in the condition.- New @SearchListTab annotation for references and collections to choosethe tab for the dialog search list.- Support for java.time.LocalDateTime as a type for properties inentities.- Typing day and month in a date or date/time field autocompletes thedate with the current year.- Record count included in automatic PDF reports of list mode andcollections.- It's possible to close several dialogs at once from one action,calling several times to closeDialog().- New currencySymbol property in xava.properties to specify the defaultsymbol to use for money.- Hibernate type converter LocalDateNumericType to store LocalDatevalues as numbers with yyyymmdd format.- New built-in controller InitModelWithNewInstance to init the model ofthe view with a new model instance.- LocalTime uses a consistent format across Java 8, 11, 17 and 21.- Moneys utility class to work with money values and properties.- If conflict to choose an editor from a stereotype or from anannotation, the annotation has preference.- When several annotations with editor over a memberthe last onedeclared in editors.xml is chosen.- Special characters (%, euro, etc.) supported as value in annotationattributes and editor properties.- New attribute default-label-format for editor in editors.xml.- Transient classes can be placed in sibling packages of the modelpackage, with no entities in the package.- Attributes forViews y notForViews recognized for custom annotations.- New methods getAnnotationAttributeValue() andgetAnnotationsWithRepeatables() in Classes utility class.- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.- Commons Logging upgraded to 1.3.4.- POI and POI OOXML upgraded to 5.3.0.- Groovy upgraded to 4.0.22.- JSoup upgraded to 1.18.1.- HtmlUnit upgraded to 4.4.0.- Lombok upgraded to 1.18.34.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.93.- Log4j API and core upgraded to 2.24.0.- PdfBox upgraded to 3.0.3.- Jersey client, hk2, media-json-binding upgraded to 2.45.- Driver version in doc/new projects upgraded for MySQL, PostgreSQL,Oracle, SQL Server, Informix, Firebird.- Lessons 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the reporting course with JasperReportsavailable in documentation with video.- README instructions include the usage of archetypes.- Getting started guide adapted to OpenXava Studio 7 R3.- Chinese translations removed from all OpenXava official documentation.- New article and video with a list of sample applications andinstructions to get them up and running.- Fixed 1 critical security vulnerability in dependencies, now we have 0vulnerabilities.- Fix: Missing an entry in the navigation of view section of thereference guide in English.- Fix: Incorrect description for project in license and pom.xml forProject Management archetypes.
Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- New Maven archetypes "openxava-project-management-archetype" inEnglish and Spanish (-spanish).- New Maven archetypes "openxava-crm-archetype" in English and Spanish(-spanish).- Maven install and package now skip tests by default in new createdprojects and openxavatest.- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.- Commons Validator upgraded to 1.9.0.- HSQLDB embedded database upgraded to 2.7.3.- Fix: Module broken when field content has dollar followed by curlybrackets.- Fix: Calling to Tab.setTabName() or Tab.setBaseCondition() does not goto the first page automatically.- Fix: Style of the just unselected row not restored in single selectionlists, those with radio buttons.- Fix: @DescriptionsList shows incorrect data if there are keys with thesame value in lower and uppercase.- Fix: Removing a row from an@ElementCollection not persisted if therow contains a boolean.- Fix: Editors for annotations do not work for references andcollections.- Fix: Icon in date fields and @DescriptionsList not visible on hoverinside dialog in Dark theme.- Fix: List data inside dialog not readable in Dark theme.- Fix: The color for the list data in the dialog is not the same aswithout the dialog.- Fix: Unused CSS from old Yahoo TreeView JS component loaded.- Fix: Reference search with dialog in the last line of an@ElementCollection alters previous row reference.- Fix: Cannot assign value to a reference with 0 as key because thereference is cleaned from the view.- Fix: Original error messages from database constraints or triggers arenot shown to the user.
Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- New Maven archetypes "openxava-master-detail-archetype" in English andSpanish (-spanish).- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.- Commons Logging upgraded to 1.3.2.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.89.- Driver version in doc and new projects upgraded for MySQL and Oracle.- First lesson of the new reporting course with JasperReports availablein documentation with video.- Documentation about total properties in view section of the referenceguide improved with more examples.- New article in documentation that links to an example in GitHub tocreate a desktop standalone app.- Fix: Infinite "Loading..." in list with@htmltext properties with longtext that contains double quotes.- Fix: Not allowed long email addresses for @Email,@stereotype("EMAIL")and@stereotype("EMAIL_LIST").- Fix: MetaModule.getModelName() returns module name instead of modelname in some circumstances.- Fix: Incorrect default value for by-default in actions when DOCTYPE isnot specified in controllers.xml.- Fix: Focus not in @DescriptionsList(showReferenceView=true) if it'sthe first element with composite key.- Fix: Sometimes there are blank rows in @OrderColumn lists.- Fix: Element is not shown in @OrderColumn list if added modifyingdirectly the element entity reference.- Fix: Bad size and scale in user interface when using @DecimalMax witha value with a decimal part.- Fix: Incorrect length for BigDecimal in the view when using 'scale' in@column or 'fraction' in@digits.- Fix: Extra elements added to@ElementCollection when using float ordouble as property type.- Fix: Total properties disappear from collection when adding orremoving columns.- Fix: Error/success messages fail to fade out if the next action opensa dialog.- Fix: Error "Expected property name or '}' in JSON" with@textarea withHTML code with double quotes.
Many bug fixes and libraries upgrades- New method isJava21orBetter() in XSystem utility class.- Added automated tests for date, datetime and popup calendar relatedissues.- Commons IO upgraded to 2.16.1.- JasperReports and fonts upgraded to 6.21.3.- Groovy upgraded to 4.0.21.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.88.- Documentation for working with IntelliJ improved.- Fix: ModuleTestBase.setValue() does not work for properties annotatedwith @Email or@stereotype("EMAIL").- Fix: Save not reset with a@readonly(onCreate=false) reference withnested reference keys fails.- Fix: 'Group by' using the right combo in the list does not work if thelist is not in the first page.- Fix: $HibernateProxy in __MODEL_NAME__ when using MapFacade sometimes.- Fix: Collection data inside sections is populated on typing anexisting key creating a new record.- Fix: Collection navigation does not work for @OrderColumn lists.- Fix: Using 'join' instead of 'left join' to improve performance inlist is not used for common cases.- Fix: Formatting problems for dates in Chinese and Greek with Java 21.- Fix: Low performance with large@ElementCollection after callingView.setLabelId().- Fix: Date and date/time fields with@onchange restore original datevalues sometimes in slow computers.- Fix: Sum property in the column of a collection with total propertiescan be removed by the user.- Fix: Total properties in a@ListProperties with no forViews overwritethe ones of other@ListProperties.- Fix: Incorrect date changed automatically to a correct but differentone when focus lost twice.
OWASP compliant, UX/UI improvements and many new features- ZAP web security scanner from OWASP passed at 100%.- New section in documentation to configure your application to be OWASPcompliant.- Removed the use of eval() and equivalents completely from OpenXavaJavaScript code.- Content Security Policy does not allow the use of eval() in JavaScriptcode by default.- New property unsafeEvalInScripts in xava.property to enable the use ofeval() in JavaScript.- Archetypes for creating new projects have error pages and cookiesconfiguration compatible with OWASP.- DWR engine tuned to remove the use of eval() in its JavaScript code.- Fixed 1 critical security vulnerability in dependencies, now we have 0vulnerabilities.- Fixed 2 critical security vulnerabilities in third party JavaScriptlibraries.- A X button in each tab to close the latest visited modules on top.- Navigation in collections with buttons to see the next or previousrecord from the dialog.- Dialogs fit in the screen, so dialog bottom buttons are always visiblewithout scrolling.- Single number typed in a date editor is assumed as day, with currentmonth/year auto-completed.- @Email and@emaillist editors use a mask to ensure in real time thatthe emails are correctly typed.- New and modern Dark theme.- The width of the calendar in list mode dynamically adjusts to occupythe entire available space.- Year navigation buttons added to calendar list format for fast yearnavigation to distant dates.- When several dates in an entity the user can choose which to use incalendar list format with a combo.- Drag & drop support for calendar list format.- Support for java.time.LocalTime as a type for properties, with aspecial editor for time.- Improved editor for the time part of DateTimeSeparatedCalendarincluding a popup to change the time.- has-type/has-annotation/has-stereotype in for-tabs of editors.xml todiscriminate list formats by entity.- Archetypes for creating new projects include the welcome.jsp page anda sample custom editor.- New method createWebClient() in ModuleTestBase.- DWR upgraded to 3.0.2.- Commons Logging upgraded to 1.3.1.- Commons Validator upgraded to 1.8.0.- Groovy upgraded to 4.0.20.- JSoup upgraded to 1.17.2.- Lombok upgraded to 1.18.32.- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.87.- Jersey upgraded to 2.42.- Log4j upgraded to 2.23.1.- Json upgraded to 20240303.- Commons IO upgraded to 2.16.0.- JasperReports and font upgraded to 6.21.2.- HtmlUnit upgraded to 4.0.0.- PdfBox upgraded to 2.0.31.- TinyMCE JavaScript library upgraded to 6.8.3.- Driver version in doc and new projects upgraded for PostgreSQL,AS/400, Microsoft SQL Server, Firebird.- MySQL and MS SQL Server configuration documentation includes video.- Reverse engineering documentation includes video.- AS/400 connection documentation improved to cover performance problemsin Windows Server.- Customization documentation adapted to no script inclusion in HTMLeditor code.- Documentation for database configuration improved to includeschema/database creation.- Fix: Error page in browser when some problem destroys a servletrequest.- Fix: Inoffensive string "null" in the HTML code for editors.