OpenCog aims to create AGIwith a combination of exploration, engineering and basic science research.Side quests have included robotics systems (Hanson Robotics),financial systems (Aidiya),genomics (MOZI,machine learning (predicting risk from clinician notes),natural language chatbots (virtual dog playing fetch) and more.This project was pioneered byDr. Ben Goertzel.Git repos fall into four categories:
The core of the system. As of 2025, it is active, stable and supported.
- AtomSpace - Hypergraph database and query engine.
- Storage - Base class for saving, loading, sending and receiving Atoms and AtomSpaces
- CogServer andatomspace-cog - Networking, json, websockets.
- atomspace-rocks - Disk I/O storage, based on RocksDB.
- Proxy Nodes - Managing Atoms flowing through large Atomspaces.
- Sparse Vectors/Matrix - Working with graphs as (embeddings in) sparse vectors.
- Link Grammar - Maximal Planar Graph (MPG) parsing, natural lanuage parsing (NLP).
- Docker containers - System integration and demos.
- atomspace-pgres - Postgres StorageNode. Works, but old, deprecated.
Git repos in which active resarch is being carried out:
- Learn - Symbolic learning ("mature", batch-based processing.)
- Agents - Refactoring learning for an interactive environment.
- Sensory - Dataflow of graphlets to/from external world. Agents I/O system.
- Motor - Controlling the focus of sensory attention. Perception-action.
- Atomese-SIMD - Flowing data to GPU's and other SIMD (OpenCL/CUDA) hardware w/the sensory API.
Older, abandoned and obsolete components and experiments. These were attempts to build subsystemswith specific goals and ideas in mind. As experiments, they provided validation for certain designideas. They were educational and fun, but turned out to be unworkable. Thus, development hashalted. These projects are no longer maintained. They do contain useful subsystems that could besalvaged for future use. This includes:
- PLN, URE, Attention, Ghost, Relex, R2L, ROS, Hanson Robotics Eva/Sophia
- MOSES (but not as-moses, see below).
- Any repo that is marked "read-only" or "obsolete".
Being developed
These are the immature, incomplete, promising projects that haven't taken off yet.
- SQL Bridge - Direct I/O between SQL and AtomSpace
- AtomSpace TypeScript - TypeScript API and Browser viewer - proof of concept.
- Prolog-on-Atomspace - proof-of-concept
- Chemistry - Molecular bonds, molecular structural formulas (proof-of-concpept.)
- agi-bio - Genomics, proteomics system used by MOZI and
- visualization - GUI for exploring AtomSpace contents.
- as-moses - Port of MOSES to the AtomSpace.
- Vision - Extracting structure from images, video (proof-of-concept.)
- Hyperon-on-top-of-atomspace - Hyperon backwards-compat layer (proof-of-concept.)
- SpaceTime - Octree spatial bounding boxes and time intervals in Atomese.
The above-mentioned commercial projects don't pay the bills. There are far more ideasand possibilities than there is time or money. If you're a software developer, boredand looking for something to do, there's a lot of great stuff here that is worthy ofattention. If you are an academic, scientist or grad student, someone who wants to docross-over Symbolic AI and Deep-Learning Neural Net research, and need a base toolset,this is the place. We will work with you to make sure this stuff fits your needs anddoes what you want it to do, the way you want it.ContactLinas Vepstas.
If you are a commercial business looking to use any of these components in your products,we can provide full-time support, if that's what you want. We'll custom-taylor components,systems, and API's to suit your needs. If you are an investor looking to build up a venture,well yes, that could happen too. Talk to us. ContactLinas Vepstas.
- pln Public
[NO LONGER MAINTAINED, SUPERSEDED BY]. Probabilistic Logic Network (PLN) implemented on top of the Unified Rule Engine (URE).
opencog/pln’s past year of commit activity