A epoll/kqueue based web server, inculded lua/coevent support (support Linux/MacOS/BSD platform)
- WebSockets supported
- HTTPS supported
$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
$ sudo yum install openssl-devel
$ git clone https://github.com/oneoo/alilua.git$cd alilua$ sudo make install clean
$ sudo alilua --daemon --bind=8080
--bind= server bind. or --bind=80 for bind at[=n] process mode mode(start n workers) --thread=n number of Lua coroutines per worker--ssl-bind ssl server bind.--ssl-cert ssl Certificate file path--ssl-key ssl PrivateKey file path--ssl-ca ssl Client Certificate file path--log=file path error log--accesslog=... access log--host-route Special route file path--app Special app file path--code-cache-ttl number of code cache time(sec) default 60 sec--cache-size size of YAC shared memory cache (1m or 4096000k)
Default Config file:/usr/local/alilua/host-route.lua
Response header length:< 3KBResponse body length:unlimited