is a Go library that provides a simple interface to SIMD (MMX/SSE/SSE2/AVX/AVX2) instructions.currently supports Intel x86.
go get github.com/octu0/go-intrin import "github.com/octu0/go-intrin/x86" func Add () {a := [4 ]float32 {1.0 ,3.0 ,5.0 ,11.0 }b := [4 ]float32 {2.0 ,4.0 ,6.0 ,8.0 }r := x86 .Float32Add (a ,b )r [0 ]// 3.0 r [1 ]// 7.0 r [2 ]// 11.0 r [3 ]// 19.0 }func Sub () {a := [4 ]float32 {1.0 ,3.0 ,- 5.0 ,- 11.0 }b := [4 ]float32 {2.0 ,- 4.0 ,6.0 ,- 8.0 }r := x86 .Float32Sub (a ,b )r [0 ]// 3.0 r [1 ]// 7.0 r [2 ]// -11.0 r [3 ]// -3 }func Mul () {a := [2 ]float64 {1.0 ,- 1.0 }b := [2 ]float64 {- 2.0 ,- 5.0 }_ = x86 .Float64Mul (a ,b )}func Div () {a := [4 ]float64 {- 1.1 ,5.2 ,3.0 ,4.2 }b := [4 ]float64 {- 100.0 ,20.0 ,2.0 ,2.0 }_ = x86 .Float64Div4 (a ,b )}Int8/Int16/Uint8/Uint16/Int32 import "github.com/octu0/go-intrin/x86" func Add () {a := [16 ]int8 {1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,- 1 ,2 ,3 ,- 4 ,- 5 ,- 6 ,- 7 ,- 8 , }b := [16 ]int8 {11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,15 ,16 ,17 ,18 ,100 ,125 ,126 ,- 128 ,- 124 ,127 ,- 2 ,- 3 , }_ = x86 .Int8Add (a ,b )}func Sub () {a := [8 ]int16 {1 ,2 ,32767 ,- 32768 ,1 ,1 ,- 32768 ,0 }b := [8 ]int16 {1 ,3 ,1 ,1 ,- 32768 ,32767 ,- 1 ,- 1 }_ = x86 .Int16Sub (a ,b )}func Max () {a := [16 ]uint8 {1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,255 ,250 ,0 ,255 ,127 ,6 ,7 ,8 , }b := [16 ]uint8 {0 ,1 ,10 ,255 ,254 ,0 ,7 ,8 ,255 ,251 ,255 ,1 ,128 ,7 ,6 ,9 , }_ = x86 .Uint8Max (a ,b )}func Avg () {a := [8 ]uint16 {1 ,2 ,32767 ,65535 ,1 ,65535 ,0 ,0 }b := [8 ]uint16 {1 ,3 ,1 ,1 ,65535 ,65535 ,0 ,1 }_ = x86 .Uint8Avg (a ,b )}func Abs () {a := [8 ]int32 {1 ,- 2 ,- 3 ,- 100 ,- 255 ,1024 ,777 ,- 888 },_ = x86 .Int32Abs (a )}The performance of SIMD benchmarks can vary depending on the execution environment. In some cases, performance can be better than native Go even when using cgo to access SIMD instructions.
Darwin & Core i5
goos: darwingoarch: amd64pkg: github.com/octu0/go-intrin/x86cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8210Y CPU @ 1.60GHzBenchmarkInt16BenchmarkInt16/sum/goBenchmarkInt16/sum/go-4 1000000000 0.3100 ns/opBenchmarkInt16/sum/simdBenchmarkInt16/sum/simd-4 1000000000 0.1590 ns/opBenchmarkInt8BenchmarkInt8/sum/goBenchmarkInt8/sum/go-4 1000000000 0.3011 ns/opBenchmarkInt8/sum/simdBenchmarkInt8/sum/simd-4 1000000000 0.08489 ns/op
Linux & Xeon
goos: linuxgoarch: amd64pkg: github.com/octu0/go-intrin/x86cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-11955M CPU @ 2.60GHzBenchmarkFloat32BenchmarkFloat32/sum/goBenchmarkFloat32/sum/go-16 585412603 2.097 ns/opBenchmarkFloat32/sum/simdBenchmarkFloat32/sum/simd-16 1000000000 0.8212 ns/op
Go code for Grayscale can improve performance by minimizing cgo calls.
goos: linuxgoarch: amd64pkg: github.com/octu0/go-intrin/x86cpu: Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-11955M CPU @ 2.60GHzBenchmarkGrayscaleBenchmarkGrayscale/goBenchmarkGrayscale/go-16 1923 596976 ns/opBenchmarkGrayscale/simd/smallBenchmarkGrayscale/simd/small-16 100 10063526 ns/opBenchmarkGrayscale/simd/mediumBenchmarkGrayscale/simd/medium-16 1087 1112508 ns/opBenchmarkGrayscale/simd/fullBenchmarkGrayscale/simd/full-16 3070 382772 ns/op
The Go code is as below:
func Grayscale (src * image.NRGBA )* image.NRGBA {b := src .Bounds ()w ,h := b .Dx (),b .Dy ()out := image .NewNRGBA (b )for y := 0 ;y < h ;y += 1 {for x := 0 ;x < w ;x += 1 {c := src .NRGBAAt (x ,y )// BT.709 gray := byte ((0.2126 * float32 (c .R ))+ (0.7152 * float32 (c .G ))+ (0.0722 * float32 (c .B )))out .SetNRGBA (x ,y , color.NRGBA {R :gray ,G :gray ,B :gray ,A :0xff , }) } }return out }It is called asC.simd_grayscale
as follows (this code is used in the simd/full benchmark):
static void simd_grayscale (uint8_t * out ,uint8_t * in ,int size ) {__m128 bt709 = _mm_setr_ps (0.2126f ,0.7152f ,0.0722f ,0.0f );uint8_t gray [8 ];for (int i = 0 ;i < size ;i += 16 ) {__m64 m1 = _mm_setr_pi8 (in [i + 0 ],in [i + 1 ],in [i + 2 ],in [i + 3 ],0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );__m64 m2 = _mm_setr_pi8 (in [i + 4 ],in [i + 5 ],in [i + 6 ],in [i + 7 ],0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );__m64 m3 = _mm_setr_pi8 (in [i + 8 ],in [i + 9 ],in [i + 10 ],in [i + 11 ],0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );__m64 m4 = _mm_setr_pi8 (in [i + 12 ],in [i + 13 ],in [i + 14 ],in [i + 15 ],0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );__m128 rgba1 = _mm_mul_ps (_mm_cvtpu8_ps (m1 ),bt709 );__m128 rgba2 = _mm_mul_ps (_mm_cvtpu8_ps (m2 ),bt709 );__m128 rgba3 = _mm_mul_ps (_mm_cvtpu8_ps (m3 ),bt709 );__m128 rgba4 = _mm_mul_ps (_mm_cvtpu8_ps (m4 ),bt709 );__m128 r = _mm_setr_ps (rgba1 [0 ],rgba2 [0 ],rgba3 [0 ],rgba4 [0 ]);// R __m128 g = _mm_setr_ps (rgba1 [1 ],rgba2 [1 ],rgba3 [1 ],rgba4 [1 ]);// G __m128 b = _mm_setr_ps (rgba1 [2 ],rgba2 [2 ],rgba3 [2 ],rgba4 [2 ]);// B // gray = [rgba1,rgba2,rgba3,rgba4] __m128 gray_float = _mm_add_ps (_mm_add_ps (r ,g ),b );__m64 gray_u8 = _mm_cvtps_pi8 (gray_float );memcpy (& gray ,& gray_u8 ,sizeof (__m64 ));uint8_t tmp [16 ]= {gray [0 ],gray [0 ],gray [0 ],255 ,gray [1 ],gray [1 ],gray [1 ],255 ,gray [2 ],gray [2 ],gray [2 ],255 ,gray [3 ],gray [3 ],gray [3 ],255 };memcpy (out + i ,& tmp ,16 ); }}-mfma
cannot be specified for Cgo's CFLAGS by default.
Enable it like the following command.
$ go env -w "CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW=-mfma"
And,go build -tags fma
to build
$ go build -tags fma github.com/octu0/go-intrin
$ go test -tags fma -v ./x86/
MIT, see LICENSE file for details.