Obsidian Systems LLC
Software consultancy specializing in haskell, nix, curiosity, and innovation.
We're a software consultancy specializing in building great products on technologies that promote quality and rapid iteration. Check us out athttps://obsidian.systems
Welcome to our github page. Here you'll find some of our open source work, primarily inNix,Haskell, andRust.
We're the primary authors and maintainers of:
- reflex-frp, an ecosystem for functional reactive programming
- obelisk, a framework and tool for full-stack Haskell applications
- alamgu, an ecosystem for building hardware ledger applications
We do a lot of open source work, so we've tried to organize the repos below:
- 🪐 Nix + InterPlanetary File System
- 📁 Super Colliding Nix Stores / Layered Store
- 📲 Cross-Compilation
- 🦀 Nix + Rust Toolchain for Hardware Wallets
- λ Nix + Haskell
- 🔐 Nix + Security
- 🧺 Nix + Miscellaneous
Showing 10 of 401 repositories
- ledger-app-sui Public
obsidiansystems/ledger-app-sui’s past year of commit activity - commutative-semigroups Public
obsidiansystems/commutative-semigroups’s past year of commit activity