Team Domino's Badge Designer
Our project is about Open Badges. What are Open Badges? These are virtual badges, which are used to endorse someone’s skills. For instance, you work at HR and want to endorse an employee’s skill. I suggest you use a badge. It holds value and is recognizable. Cool, you say, but how can you build a badge if you are not a designer? And that’s our project: an easy-to-use badge builder, to help companies endorse their employee’s skills.
In order to create a valuable and reliable badge we are using the ESCO standard for naming skills. The skill is represented in the visual part by its official name. For the structure we rely on Open Badges.
To build a badge, the builder just needs the user to enter some basic data, select the skill with our ESCO search field and press Enter. And that’s it. Of course, as a company, you can add your brand to the badge, with your colors and logo.
Looks easy ? This is our promise : it is easy!
# install dependenciesnpm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080npm run dev# build for production with minificationnpm run build# build for production and view the bundle analyzer reportnpm run build --report