Hi, I'm Michał, or in just call me Mike.How to reach me, don't expect a reply though: - kaszpir at google.com - preferred communication channel
- Slack:
_KaszpiR_ @ kubernetes on#pl-users channel,link - Discord -Quake.World nick:
_KaszpiR_ but make sure to highlight me or message me directly - LinkedIn
Not used that much: - IRC - LiberaChat/OFTC/QuakeNet nick:
_KaszpiR_ - twitter:
_KaszpiR_ (yeah, I really never used that )
Below is what I do for a living: - Consulting / support / development / implementation of network design& infrastructure and operations among various projects, often based onmultiple public clouds such as AWS/GCP and on-premises.
- Cloud migrations with various scopes - from basic ‘lift and shift’,through replacing subset of services with cloud vendored solutions,up to full reimplementations from scratch.
- Redesigning systems when moving to the containers: analysis if the app isapplicable to be containerized, creating container pipelines,creating packages for deployment (for example helm charts).
- Setting up full CI/CD stacks: application pipelines, infrastructure automationpipelines, mixed with monitoring and eye-candy graphs(management loves the colors and money in the same picture!).
- Cost estimation with capacity planning, automating dynamic resourceallocations based on metrics.
- Pointy-haired Boss: -
- observability - Prometheus / Tracing etc
- various clouds - especially AWS / GCP
- Kubernetes and it's ecosystem - because we love tools that are not even in alpha
- improving system's resilience via chaos engineering, but fear not,devs and users are always better at that ;)
- scalability issues within ETL systems
- some simple electronics and automation, for example
- 3D Printing (mainly related to filament based ones like Prusa Mini+)
- sometimes gibbing people with rocket launcher -I wish I were midairing people in endiflike this.
- Java on Kubernetes: problems and fixes related to HBase/Hadoop
- video
- slides
- 2020, in polish, how to put elephants into containers (in short REALLY do not)
- From zero to self-driving car using DonkeyCar
- video
- slides
- 2020, in english, how to make a self-driving robot which allows to getto know with RasberryPi, automation, python coding and stuff related toML/AI in general
- Configuration management hell
- video
- 2019, in polish, and some rants especially about fallacies of immutableinfrastructure
- With pickaxe into the cloud
- video
- 2019, in polish, talk about using cloud and if cloud solves all yourproblems
- Why you suck at being a devops person
- slides
- source
- 2018, non-recorded presentation with catchy title about why I suck at beinga devops person, I wish to review that and record it some day...
- Sphinx reST and Ansible
- video
- 2018, in polish, about restructured text,sphinx docs generator and how to generate docs from Ansible
- Infrastructure as Code
- AWS Elastic Container service in practice
- video
- 2016, in polish, notice that AWS ECS nowadays looks a bit different, though.
| Of course a lot of code goes to other private repos owned by the clients,unless things could go to upstream repos, so publicly available stuff on myGitHub is usually related to hobbies. Some repos you may be interested in: Some old/dormant projects: - vagrant-gitlab-runners -all you need is bash for GitLab runners in Vagrant
- workstation -provisioning my rusted laptop, this happens so rarely (once 4y?) that this isprobably more broken than working
- rpi andrpi-power-button -because ignorance causes history to repeat itself
- docker + buildx -more like an inspiration for those interested in multi-arch containers
- dh-chaos - aka how to waste timewaiting for Azure on hackaton while fiddling with chaos-toolkit
- kind-minefield -jenkins pipeline which shows how to prevent your friends from abusingresources on your precious computer, which you keep alive since 2010in the basement (the computer, not the friends...)
- devops-sig-8 - k8s and configmanagement - how to manage live config updates in pods,see forked repo and its branches for more!
- python-github-create-issue -use python script to create issue from CLI,useful in certain CI systems (but I bet no one uses it),not really sure if this still works, though.