National Research Council of Canada — Conseil national de recherches du Canada
- Raith_GDSII
Raith_GDSII Public archiveMATLAB tools for Raith electron-beam lithography (EBL) and focused ion beam (FIB) systems — Outils MATLAB pour les systèmes Raith de lithographie par faisceau d'électrons et de faisceau d'ions foca…
- HTML5-whiteboard
HTML5-whiteboard PublicExperimental collaborative whiteboard written in HTML and Javascript — Tableau blanc collaboratif experimental codé en HTML et Javascript
- wordweaver
wordweaver PublicTool for creating RESTful morphology web services — Outil pour créer des services web à morphology RESTful
Python 5
- PortageClusterUtils Public
Cluster and parallelization utilities that came ouf of the Portage SMT project — Outils de parallélisation sur grappe de calcul issus du projet Portage de TAS
nrc-cnrc/PortageClusterUtils’s past year of commit activity - PortageTextProcessing Public
Text processing tools that came out of the Portage SMT project — Outils de traitement de texte issus du projet Portage de TAS
nrc-cnrc/PortageTextProcessing’s past year of commit activity - NRC-SPIFpy Public
Single Particle Image Format (SPIF) conversion utility — Utilitaire de conversion SPIF
nrc-cnrc/NRC-SPIFpy’s past year of commit activity - sockeye-multisource Public
Multi-source version of the Sockeye sequence-to-sequence framework for Neural Machine Translation — Version multi-source de Sockeye, le cadre séquence-à-séquence pour la traduction automatique neuronale
nrc-cnrc/sockeye-multisource’s past year of commit activity