Implement a program that runs a plurality election, per the below.
$ ./plurality Alice Bob CharlieNumber of voters: 4Vote: AliceVote: BobVote: CharlieVote: AliceAlice
Elections come in all shapes and sizes. In the UK, the Prime Minister is officially appointed by the monarch, who generally chooses the leader of the political party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons. The United States uses a multi-step Electoral College process where citizens vote on how each state should allocate Electors who then elect the President.
Perhaps the simplest way to hold an election, though, is via a method commonly known as the “plurality vote” (also known as “first-past-the-post” or “winner take all”). In the plurality vote, every voter gets to vote for one candidate. At the end of the election, whichever candidate has the greatest number of votes is declared the winner of the election.