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One click user authentication solution via iOS social media system accounts. (Twitter & Facebook)


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One click user authentication solution via iOS social media system accounts. (Twitter & Facebook)

Einlass aims to be the easiest solution to authenticate users via their social network accounts. Einlass does not ask the user to re-enter their login credentials. Instead Einlass performs what is called areverse authentication via the iOS integrated social media accounts, which results in a simpler and faster authentication flow.

A low inhibition threshold for user account creation could also be considered a huge benefit from a user interactivity standpoint, since the user is not forced to enter any personal information into any suspicious web-views which is the normal login flow with most other authentication providing frameworks.

Einlass is written in Swift 3, has a very small dependency footprint, extensive error handling capabilities and is easy to integrate viaCocoa Pods or theSwift Package Manager.


Result Values


If theUser Access Token is intended to be used for further calls to FacebooksGraph API,permissions andtarget audience can be configured prior to requesting the token.


  • OAuth 1.0a userAccess Token (consist ofkey &secret)
  • Twitter user ID
  • Twitter @-name
  • Twitter screen name
  • Avatar URL
  • Maybe an e-mail address

The Twitter account credentials can then also be used to make further calls to the Twitter API on behalf of the user.


Every mayor web stack has a variety of extensions to choose from, that can verify the authenticity of these tokens on the server side. Just search in your corresponding package manager.

The users e-mail address is an optional value, because on Twitter as well on Facebook, user can register only with a mobile telephone number. Also the Facebook token needs to have the right permissions set to access the e-mail address. Twitter as well needs very specific configuration on their app register page to access the users e-mail address, which includes among other things a link to your companies terms of service as well as a privacy policy.


Cocoa Pods

To integrate Einlass into your project using CocoaPods, add it to yourPodfile:


Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

You then will need to addimport Einlass at the top of your swift source files.

Swift Package Manager

To integrate Einlass into your project using the swift package manager, add it as a dependency to yourPackage.swift file:

import PackageDescriptionletpackage=Package(    name:"<your_package_name>",    dependencies:[.Package(url:"", majorVersion:1)])

You then will need to addimport Einlass at the top of your swift source files.

User Preconditions

  • The user must have setup their valid social media accounts underiOS Settings -> Twitter/Facebook

iOS Settings

  • The user must give your app permission to access the iOS system accounts. The user is presented with the regular permission request popup that is only shownonce.

iOS Settings

Developer Preconditions


  • You have to register your app atTwitter App Managment to get theconsumer credentials (key & secret). You can find them under "Keys and Access Tokens".

NOTE: It is recommended to set your app permissions toRead Only if you will use the users credentials only for the purpose of authentication.


  • You have to register your app atFacebook App Management to get theFacebook App ID from facebook.
  • It is also essential to set your app up as an iOS application with the correctbundle identifier underapp management.


  • If you install via Cocoa Pods or the Swift Package Manager, placeimport Einlass at the top of your source files.

  • The previously obtainedTwitter consumer credentials andFacebook App ID have to be passed to Einlass at app initialization. Create a new struct for constant values or use the one you have already set up, and make it conform toFacebookConsumerCredentialProvider and/orTwitterConsumerCredentialProvider respectively.

structConstants:FacebookConsumerCredentialProvider,TwitterConsumerCredentialProvider{staticletFACEBOOK_APP_ID="999999999999999"staticletTWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"staticletTWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET="ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"    // ... maybe other constant values your app depends on ...}

Then at app initialization inAppDelegate:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions you pass them toFacebookAuthenticator and/orTwitterAuthenticator.

func application(_ application:UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey:Any]?)->Bool{FacebookAuthenticator.consumerCredentialProvider=Constants.selfTwitterAuthenticator.consumerCredentialProvider=Constants.self    // ...}

Usage Example

It is recommended to try out theDemo App. You will need to setup the consumer credentials as described previously inAppDelegate.swift. A complete example also describing various error states can be found inSNSAuthController.swift.


To start a Twitter authentication procedure, create anew instance ofTwitterAuthenticator, pass aTwitterAuthenticatorDelegate to it, and call.perform() on it. Also a good time to start an activity indicator now.


Do not call.perform() on the sameTwitterAuthenticator twice. Always create a new instance. So it would be better to not make it a class property. The delegate must conform to theTwitterAuthenticatorDelegate protocol, which consist of the following 3 methods:


This callback should initiate the presentation of a user interface that will let the user select one out of multiple Twitter accounts. Assumedself is of typeUIViewController, one way to implement this would be with an action sheet selection popup:

func twitterAccountSelection(withAccounts accounts:[String], choice:@escaping(String?)->()){letalert=UIAlertController(title:nil, message:nil, preferredStyle:.actionSheet)foraccin accounts{        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: acc, style:.default, handler:{ _inchoice(acc)}))}    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title:"Cancel", style:.cancel, handler:{ _inchoice(nil)}))self.present(alert, animated:true)}


Is called upon a successful authentication flow. Here you may pass the received credentials to your backend for verification. Example:

func twitterAuthenticatorFinished(withCredentials credentials:TwitterAuthenticator.Credentials){letmsg:[String]=["Twitter reverse authentication successful! Credentials:","TWID:\(","Name:\(","Screen Name:\(credentials.screenName)","Key:\(credentials.key)","Secret:\(credentials.secret)","E-Mail:\("nil")","Avatar URL:\(credentials.avatar)"]print(msg.joined(separator:"\n"))}


Is called when the authentication flow encountered a problem and can't continue. An enum of typeTwitterAuthenticator.Problem is passed to the method describing the error.

Problem indicating enumExplanation
noSystemTwitterAccountOccurs when no Twitter system account is registered under iOS settings.
twitterAccountAccessNotGrantedOccurs when the user did not grant access permission to the iOS system Twitter account.
userCanceledAccountSelectionOccurs when the callback passed totwitterAccountSelection:withAccounts was called withnil.
twitterAccountBannedOccurs when you have an account setup under iOS settings that has been banned by Twitter. Happens quite often with test accounts.
twitterAuthenticatorUnconfiguredOccurs whenconsumerCredentialProvider was not set during app initialization.
networkFailure(Int, String)General error for networking problems. Contains a code belonging toNSURLErrorDomain and a debug message.
twitterFailure(String)General error for unrecoverable Twitter server-side failures. Contains a debug string explaining the error.
accountStoreFailure(String)General error for unrecoverable iOS account store failures. Contains a debug string explaining the error.

Note: You may want to open the Twitter account settings"App-Prefs:root=TWITTER")!) since permission popups are only shown once or let the user setup an initial account.

Note: To save time you may copy & paste parts from thedemo application.


To start a Facebook authentication procedure, create anew instance ofFacebookAuthenticator, pass aFacebookAuthenticatorDelegate to it. You may want to modify thepermissions andtarget audience that will be tied to the token. A complete list of allpermissions can be found in theFacebook Graph API documentation. The default permissions are:

  • user_birthday
  • user_location
  • user_friends
  • email
  • public_profile

Finally call.perform() to start the authentication procedure. Also a good time to start an activity indicator.


Do not call.perform() on the sameFacebookAuthenticator twice. Always create a new instance. So it would be better to not make it a class property. The delegate must conform to theFacebookAuthenticatorDelegate protocol, which consist of the following 3 methods:


This callback should initiate the presentation of a user interface that will let the user confirm that he/she wants to login with that user account. The username is passed as a parameter. Unlike Twitter, only one Facebook account is allowed to be register under iOS settings. Assumedself is of typeUIViewController, one way to implement this would be with an action sheet selection popup:

func facebookAccountConfirmation(withAccount account:String, proceed:@escaping(Bool)->()){letalert=UIAlertController(title:nil, message:nil, preferredStyle:.actionSheet)    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: account, style:.default, handler:{ _inproceed(true)}))    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title:"Cancel", style:.cancel, handler:{ _inproceed(false)}))self.present(alert, animated:true)}


Is called upon a successful authentication flow. Here you may pass the received credentials to your backend for verification. Example:

func facebookAuthenticatorFinished(withCredentials credentials:FacebookAuthenticator.Credentials){letmsg:[String]=["Facebook reverse authentication successful! Credentials:","FBID:\(","Name:\(","Token:\(credentials.token)","E-Mail:\("nil")","Avatar URL:\(credentials.avatar)"]print(msg.joined(separator:"\n"))}


Is called when the authentication flow encountered a problem and can't continue. An enum of typeFacebookAuthenticator.Problem is passed to the method describing the error.

Problem indicating enumExplanation
noSystemFacebookAccountOccurs when no Facebook system account is registered under iOS settings.
facebookAccountAccessNotGrantedOccurs when the user did not grant access permission to the iOS system Facebook account.
userCanceledAccountSelectionOccurs when theproceed(Bool) callback passed tofacebookAccountConfirmation:withAccount was called withfalse.
systemAccountReloginNeededOccurs when the Facebook system account is not valid anymore. When the user changes his/her password or gets banned on facebook would be examples for that.
facebookAuthenticatorUnconfiguredOccurs whenconsumerCredentialProvider was not set during app initialization.
networkFailure(Int, String)General error for networking problems. Contains a code belonging toNSURLErrorDomain and a debug message.
facebookFailure(String)General error for unrecoverable Facebook server-side failures. Contains a debug string explaining the error.
accountStoreFailure(String)General error for unrecoverable iOS account store failures. Contains a debug string explaining the error.

Note: You may want to open the Facebook account settings"App-Prefs:root=FACEBOOK")!) since permission popups are only shown once or let the user setup an initial account.

Note: To save time you may copy & paste parts from thedemo application.

Server Side Token Verification

As stated earlier, regarding server side token validation, every mayor web-stack has a variety of extensions for to choose from. However, it is actually quite easy to implement the credential validation yourself.


Facebook user credential validation can be performed via theirGraph API. First you would call the/debug_token endpoint to verify that the token is valid and was created by your app, then you may proceed with the/me endpoint to access more of the users data, like the users e-mail address.


Twitter user credential validation is slightly more complicated since requests to theTwitter API have to be signed withOAuth. Because of that it is highly recommended to use an already available extension for your web-stack that will allow you to perform OAuth requests. The users credentials (key & secret) can be verified with the/account/verify_credentials endpoint.



Contributions and bug reports are always welcome. Especially because there could still be some corner cases left for weird but recoverable errors since accounts

Implementation of other Authentication Services

Einlass can only support iOS integrated authentication providers, which are at the time of writing this: Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Flickr, Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo. Beyond that, since it is not part of any standart, not all of them seem to supportreverse authentication. Sina Weibo for example does not.

The meaning of"Einlass"?

That is an Einlass :)


Einlass was created byMarkus Wanke and is released under theApache 2.0 Licence.


One click user authentication solution via iOS social media system accounts. (Twitter & Facebook)








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