Our new and improved DMX light controller with mqtt control, based on an ESP8266.
The conig.h file should contain everything to configure the system to your needs.
The path is build up like this:<topic>/<id>/<endpoint>
e.g.: DMX/1/set
- controller: MAC and IP, comma separated
- state: list of current state of DMX ids with state, comma separeted
- e.g.: "0:0,1:0,2:255,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0,10:0,11:0"
- set: interface to set DMX channels. Accepts list of DMX id:state, comma separated.
- state is int between 0-255 (0 is off), or 1000 (toggle between on and off)
- e.g.: "10:0,2:0,8:255,4:255"
Switches can be connected to the Pins 4 and 12-15.The internal Pull-ups on these pins will be activated if the pins are configured as switch.
A DMX transciver like MAX485 needs to be connected to GPIO 2 (U1TXD) of the ESP
You will need to install ESPDMX and the PubSubClient (it's a fork from the one in the Lib. Manager!) as a zip.