This professorship develops and obtains new neurophysiological and neuroimaging measures in the context of human brain and behavioral plasticity. Specifically, we investigate the potential for plasticity, mechanisms for stabilization and compensation across the lifespan. In particular, we investigate the relationship between brain plasticity and cognitive functioning, such as perceptual processing, learning, (working-) memory, decision-making and processing speed.
In this context of neuroplasticity research, we design and implement novel multi-modal paradigms (e.g. combined EEG eye-tracking) that offer a wealth of parameters that can be extracted and analysed with state of the art neuroscientific methods, such as functional network models, machine learning, longitudinal analyses and computational modeling. These paradigms can also be used to decompose the critical component processes underlying the performance of behavioral tests that are used routinely in clinical diagnosis. This multi-level, multi-modal design allows us to study cognitive performance and perception at their desired level of analysis, and to elucidate variations in performance across the continuum from healthy to pathological functioning. To investigate those research aims and objectives, we are using a variety of psychological and neuroscientific methods, such as EEG, eye-tracking, structural MRI & DTI and Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- rey-figure
rey-figure Publicrepo to maintain code for the rey-osterrieth complex figure project
Python 4
- drawing-app Public
methlabUZH/drawing-app’s past year of commit activity - RestingEEGAnalyses Public
methlabUZH/RestingEEGAnalyses’s past year of commit activity