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spart: a user-oriented partition info command for slurm
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A user-oriented partition info command for slurm. It gives a brief view of the cluster.
Slurm does not have a command showing partition info in a user-friendly way.I wrote a command, I hope you will find it useful.
Usage: spart [-m] [-a] [-c] [-g] [-i] [-t] [-f] [-s] [-J] [-p PARTITION_LIST] [-l] [-v] [-h]
This program showsthe user specific partition info with core count of available nodes and pending jobs. It hides unnecessary information for users in the output i.e. unusable partitions, undefined limits, unusable nodes etc., but it shows related and usefull information such as how many pending jobs waiting for the resourses or for the other reasons.
The output of spart without any parameters is as below:
$ spart QUEUE STA FREE TOTAL RESORC OTHER FREE TOTAL |YOUR PEND PEND YOUR | MIN MAX MAXIMUM CORES NODE PARTITION TUS CORES CORES PENDNG PENDNG NODES NODES | RUN RES OTHR TOTL | NODES NODES JOB-TIME /NODE MEM-GB defq * 84 2436 140 28 3 87 | 3 5 0 8 | 1 - 7 days 28 126 shortq 84 2604 0 0 3 93 | 0 0 0 0 | 1 2 1 hour 28 126 longq 120 336 0 120 5 14 | 1 0 0 1 | 1 - 21 days 24 62 gpuq 0 112 0 0 0 4 | 1 0 0 1 | 1 - 7 days 28 126 bigmemq C 56 280 0 0 2 10 | 0 0 0 0 | 1 - 7 days 28 510 v100q 0 40 0 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 0 | 1 1 1 days 40 375 b224q 84 2548 0 840 3 91 | 3 0 3 6 | 8 40 7 days 28 126 core40q g 0 1400 560 400 0 35 | 0 0 0 0 | 1 - 7 days 40 190
The spart command output varies according to cluster configuration to help to the user. You can see very different output of the spart for a different cluster at below. Notice the columns added. Without the spart command, it is very difficult to see the configuration details of the slurm cluster:
$ spartWARNING: The Slurm settings have info restrictions!the spart can not show other users' waiting jobs info! QUEUE STA FREE TOTAL RESORC OTHER FREE TOTAL || MAX DEFMEM MAXMEM MAXIMUM CORES NODE QOS PARTITION TUS CORES CORES PENDNG PENDNG NODES NODES || NODES GB/CPU G/NODE JOB-TIME /NODE MEM-GB NAME defaultq * 295 2880 0 0 0 120 || - 4 124 15 days 24 128 - single 110 144 0 0 3 6 || - 9 252 15 days 24 256 - smp 184 224 0 0 0 1 || - 17 4121 8 days 224 4128 - short 736 9172 0 0 0 278 || - 8 252 4 hour 24 256 - mid 736 9172 0 0 0 278 || - 8 252 8 days 24 256 - long 736 9172 0 0 0 278 || - 8 252 15 days 24 256 - debug 1633 14532 0 0 8 461 || 4 8 252 15 mins 24 128 debug YOUR PEND PEND YOUR MIN DEFAULT RUN RES OTHR TOTL NODES JOB-TIME COMMON VALUES: 0 0 0 0 1 2 mins
In theSTA-TUS column, the characters means, the partition is:
*default partition (default queue),.hidden partition,Cclosed to both the job submit and run,Sclosed to the job submit, but the submitted jobs will run, r requires the reservation,Dopen to the job submit, but the submitted jobs will not run,Ropen for only root, or closed to root (if you are root),Aclosed to all of your account(s),aclosed to some of your accounts,Gclosed to all of your group(s),gclosed to some of your groups,Qclosed to all of your QOS(s),qclosed to some of your QOSs.
TheRESOURCE PENDING column shows core counts of pending jobs because of the busy resource.
TheOTHER PENDING column shows core counts of pending jobs because of the other reasons suchas license or other limits.
TheYOUR-RUN, PEND-RES, PEND-OTHR, andYOUR-TOTL columns shows the counts of the running,resource pending, other pending, and total job count of the current user, respectively.If these four columns are have same values, These same values of that four columns will beshown at COMMON VALUES as four single values.
TheMIN NODE andMAX NODE columns show the permitted minimum and maximum node counts of thejobs which can be submited to the partition.
TheMAXCPU/NODE column shows the permitted maximum core counts of of the single node inthe partition.
TheDEFMEM GB/CPU andDEFMEM GB/NODE columns show default maximum memory as GB which a jobcan use for a cpu or a node, respectively.
TheMAXMEM GB/CPU andMAXMEM GB/NODE columns show maximum memory as GB which requestable bya job for a cpu or a node, respectively.
TheDEFAULT JOB-TIME column shows the default time limit of the job which submited to thepartition without a time limit. If the DEFAULT JOB-TIME limits are not setted, or settedsame value with MAXIMUM JOB-TIME for all partitions in your cluster, DEFAULT JOB-TIMEcolumn will not be shown, except -l parameter was given.
TheMAXIMUM JOB-TIME column shows the maximum time limit of the job which submited to thepartition. If the user give a time limit further than MAXIMUM JOB-TIME limit of thepartition, the job will be rejected by the slurm.
TheCORES /NODE column shows the core count of the node with lowest core count in thepartition. But if -l was given, both the lowest and highest core counts will be shown.
TheNODE MEM-GB column shows the memory of the lowest memory node in this partition. But if-l parameter was given, both the lowest and highest memory will be shown.
TheQOS NAME column shows the default qos limits the job which submited to the partition.If the QOS NAME of the partition are not setted for all partitions in your cluster, QOS NAMEcolumn will not be shown, execpt -l parameter was given.
TheGRES (COUNT) column shows the generic resources of the nodes in the partition, and (inparanteses) the total number of nodes in that partition containing that GRES. The GRES (COUNT)column will not be shown, execpt -l or -g parameter was given.
If the partition'sQOS NAME, MIN NODES, MAX NODES, MAXCPU/NODE, DEFMEM GB/CPU|NODE,MAXMEM GB/CPU|NODE, DEFAULT JOB-TIME, andMAXIMUM JOB-TIME limits are not setted for theall partitions in your cluster, corresponding column(s) will not be shown, except -lparameter was given.
If the values of a column are same, this column will not be shown at partitions block.These same values of that column will be shown atCOMMON VALUES as a single value.
-mboth the lowest and highest values will be shown in theCORES /NODEandNODE MEM-GB columns.
-ahidden partitions also be shown.
-cpartitions from federated clusters be shown.
-gthe ouput shows each GRES (gpu, mic etc.) defined in that partitionand (in paranteses) the total number of nodes in that partitioncontaining that GRES.
-i the info about the groups, accounts, QOSs, and queues will be shown.
-tthe time info will be shown at DAY-HR:MN format, instead of verbal format.
-s the simple output. spart don't show slurm config columns.
-Jthe output does not shown the info about the user's jobs.
-f the ouput shows each FEATURES defined in that partition and (in paranteses)the total number of nodes in that partition containing that FEATURES.
-p PARTITION_LISTthe output shows only the partitions which given with comma-seperated PARTITION_LIST.
-lall posible columns will be shown, except the federated clusters column.
-v shows info about STATUS LABELS.
-hshows this usage text.
If you compare the output above with the output with -l parameter (below), unusable and hidden partitionswere not shown without -l parameter:
$ spart -l QUEUE STA FREE TOTAL RESORC OTHER FREE TOTAL || MIN MAX DEFAULT MAXIMUM CORES NODE GRES PARTITION TUS CORES CORES PENDNG PENDNG NODES NODES || NODES NODES JOB-TIME JOB-TIME /NODE MEM-GB (NODE-COUNT) defq * 0 2436 532 0 0 87 || 1 - 7 days 7 days 28 126-510 - shortq 0 2604 0 0 0 93 || 1 2 1 hour 1 hour 28 126-510 gpu:k20m:1(4) longq 72 336 0 0 3 14 || 1 - 21 days 21 days 24 62 - gpuq 0 112 0 0 0 4 || 1 - 7 days 7 days 28 126-510 gpu:k20m:1(4) bigmemq 0 280 0 0 0 10 || 1 - 7 days 7 days 28 510 gpu:k20m:1(1) v100q 0 40 0 0 0 1 || 1 1 1 days 1 days 40 375 gpu:v100:4(1) yzmq A 0 40 40 0 0 1 || 1 1 7 days 7 days 40 375 gpu:v100:4(1) b224q 0 2548 364 0 0 91 || 8 40 7 days 7 days 28 126-510 gpu:k20m:1(2) hbm513q G 0 2240 0 0 0 80 || 1 10 30 mins 30 mins 28 126 - core40q C 0 1400 0 0 0 35 || 1 - 7 days 7 days 40 190 - coronaq g 0 1400 0 1400 0 35 || 1 - 7 days 7 days 40 190 - all . 72 4380 0 0 3 143 || 1 - 1 days - 24-40 62-510 gpu:k20m:1(4),gpu:v100:4(1) YOUR PEND PEND YOUR MAXCPU DEFMEM MAXMEM QOS RUN RES OTHR TOTL /NODE G/NODE G/NODE NAME COMMON VALUES: 0 0 0 0 - - - -
The output of the spart with the -i parameter:
$ spart -i Your username: marfea Your group(s): eoss1 d0001 Your account(s): d0001 eoss1 Your qos(s): normal QUEUE STA FREE TOTAL RESORC OTHER FREE TOTAL || MIN MAX MAXIMUM CORES NODE PARTITION TUS CORES CORES PENDNG PENDNG NODES NODES || NODES NODES JOB-TIME /NODE MEM-GB defq * 0 2436 532 0 0 87 || 1 - 7 days 28 126 shortq 0 2604 0 0 0 93 || 1 2 1 hour 28 126 longq 72 336 0 0 3 14 || 1 - 21 days 24 62 gpuq 0 112 0 0 0 4 || 1 - 7 days 28 126 bigmemq 0 280 0 0 0 10 || 1 - 7 days 28 510 v100q 0 40 0 0 0 1 || 1 1 1 days 40 375 b224q 0 2548 364 0 0 91 || 8 40 7 days 28 126 core40q C 0 1400 0 0 0 35 || 1 - 7 days 40 190 coronaq g 0 1400 0 1400 0 35 || 1 - 7 days 40 190 YOUR PEND PEND YOUR RUN RES OTHR TOTL COMMON VALUES: 0 0 0 0
When STATEMENT feature is on, the spart looks for the statements files. To open the STATEMENTfeature, theSPART_SHOW_STATEMENT macro must be defined that can be achieved when youuncomment line 24 in spart.h file. If the spart finds any statement file, it shows the contentof the files. If the spart can not find a particular staement file, simply ignore it withoutthe notification. Therefore, there is no need to recompile to reshow or cancel statements.You can edit or remove statement files after compiling. If you want to show again, just writenew file(s).
The spart also can show the statements using different font sytles and background colors. Thestyle of the cluster's statement and the partitions' statements can be setted differently.
For example, the output at the below shows the cluster statement file exist:
$ spart QUEUE STA FREE TOTAL RESORC OTHER FREE TOTAL MIN MAX MAXJOBTIME CORES NODE PARTITION TUS CORES CORES PENDNG PENDNG NODES NODES NODES NODES DAY-HR:MN /NODE MEM-GB defq * 280 2436 400 0 10 87 1 - 7-00:00 28 126 shortq 420 2604 0 0 15 93 1 2 0-01:00 28 126 longq 336 336 0 0 14 14 1 - 21-00:00 24 62 gpuq 84 112 0 0 3 4 1 - 7-00:00 28 126 bigmemq 140 280 0 0 5 10 1 - 7-00:00 28 510 v100q 40 40 0 0 1 1 1 1 1-00:00 40 375 b224q 364 2548 0 280 13 91 8 40 1-00:00 28 126 core40q 400 1400 0 0 10 35 1 - 7-00:00 40 190 ============================================================================================ Dear Colleagues, Sariyer cluster will be stopped next week, Tuesday, February 14, for scheduled maintenance operations. The stop will start at 9:00 a.m. and we expect to bring the cluster back to production in the late afternoon. During the course of the maintenance operations, the login nodes will not be accessible. Best Regards, User Support, UHeM ============================================================================================
When the -i parameter was given, the spart also shows the contents of the partition statement files:
$ spart -i Your username: mercan Your group(s): hsaat gaussian workshop ansys Your account(s): hsaat Your qos(s): normal QUEUE STA FREE TOTAL FREE TOTAL RESORC OTHER MIN MAX MAXJOBTIME CORES NODE PARTITION TUS CORES CORES NODES NODES PENDNG PENDNG NODES NODES DAY-HR:MN /NODE MEM-GB ============================================================================================ defq * 308 2436 11 87 0 0 1 - 7-00:00 28 126 This is the default queue, i.e., if you don't give a partition name, defq is used as the partition name for your job. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shortq 392 2604 14 93 0 0 1 2 0-01:00 28 126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- longq 96 336 4 14 0 0 1 - 21-00:00 24 62 The nodes in the longq queue are older than those in other queues. Therefore, it's better not to use this queue, unless you really need the long time limit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gpuq 56 112 2 4 0 0 1 - 7-00:00 28 126 Each of the nodes in the gpuq queue contain one, very old Nvidia K20m GPU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bigmemq 56 280 2 10 0 0 1 - 7-00:00 28 510 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v100q 40 40 1 1 0 0 1 1 1-00:00 40 375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b224q 336 2548 12 91 0 0 8 40 1-00:00 28 126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- core40q 160 1400 4 35 0 0 1 - 7-00:00 40 190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================================ Dear Colleagues, Sariyer cluster will be stopped next week, Tuesday, February 14, for scheduled maintenance operations. The stop will start at 9:00 a.m. and we expect to bring the cluster back to production in the late afternoon. During the course of the maintenance operations, the login nodes will not be accessible. Best Regards, User Support, UHeM ============================================================================================
The spart requires a running slurm which compiled with mysql/mariadb.
Some features of the spart requires Slurm 18.08 or newer. With older versions, the spart works withreduced feature set i.e. without showing the federated clusters column and user-spesific output.
Also, with Slurm 20.02.0 and 20.02.1, the slurm have a bug about to connect the slurm database viaslurm api. Because of that, the spart works with reduced feature set at this version, too.
The spart requires, the slurm configured to give permision for reading other users job info,node info, and other information.
The Slurm API, can not run correctly on a "Configless" Slurm node. It looks for slurm.conf, and fails. Because of this reason, the spart can not run a node which does not contain the slurm conf files. But, even at a configless slurm cluster, if a node contains the slurm conf files (for example a slurmctl node), spart works correctly.
Compiling is very simple.
If your slurm installed at default location, you can compile the spart command as below:
gcc -lslurm spart.c -o spart
Don't add optimization flags (-O2 etc.).
At before SLURM 19.05, you should compile with-lslurmdb:
gcc -lslurm -lslurmdb spart.c -o spart
If the slurm is not installed at default location, you should add locations of the headers and libraries:
gcc -lslurm spart.c -o spart -I/location/of/slurm/header/files/ -L/location/of/slurm/library/files/
After compiling, you can copy the spart file to the default slurm exe directory which is /usr/bin. Alternatively, you can copy spart file to any directory and you should set PATH environment variable. The default slurm man directory is /usr/share/man/man1/. You can copy the man file (spart.1.gz) to this directory, or you can set MANPATH variable. Don't forget to set reading permisions of the spart and spart.1.gz files for all users.
Also, there is no need to have administrative rights (being root) to compile and use. If you want to usethe spart command as a regular user, you can compile and use at your home directory.
Alternatively, If you prefer to compile the spart as a rpm package, you can use therpmbuild
rpmbuild -ta spart-1.4.3.tar.gz
If you notice a bug of the spart, please report using the issues page of the github site. Thanks.
spart: a user-oriented partition info command for slurm