- Germany
- 16:24
(UTC +01:00) - linkedin.com/in/mcagriaksoy
- https://xing.com/profile/MehmetCagri_Aksoy
- Serial-Communication-GUI-Program
Serial-Communication-GUI-Program PublicAFCOM is a free COM (serial communication) client tool.
- tcdd-bilet-yer-kontrol
tcdd-bilet-yer-kontrol PublicForked frombymcs/tcdd-bilet-yer-kontrol
TCDD Bilet Kontrol Etme Uygulamasi, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları (TCDD) tarafından sunulan biletlerin uygunluk durumu ve yer durumunu kontrol etmek için tasarlanmış kullanıcı dostu bir a…
- fipy-GPS-Accelerometer-LoRa
fipy-GPS-Accelerometer-LoRa PublicThis program reads GPS and Accelerometer values from the FiPY board and push them to configured server via LoRa protocol.
VHDL-FPGA-LAB_PROJECTS PublicMy Lab Assigments from Bachelor Degree, This repo includes the projects for digital systems II Lecture (EEM334)
- Pneumonia_Detector_for_covid19
Pneumonia_Detector_for_covid19 PublicCNN Based COVID-19 - Pneumonia Detector via Chest X-Ray images. The transfer learning is applied with MobileNetv2
- ros_nodemcu_rosserial_sensor
ros_nodemcu_rosserial_sensor PublicROS Controlled NodeMCU Sensor read and servo control Project
C++ 5
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