This is simple library for creating textview expandable. LikeContinue or Less. This library extended versiionTextView. Easy to use.

allprojects {repositories {...maven { url'https://jitpack.io' }}}
dependencies { implementation'com.github.mahimrocky:ShowMoreText:1.0.2'}
You have to use just this xml. You can modify or set color your own textView.But don`t need to use maxLength or maxLine in text view. It may be confilict with library.
<com.skyhope.showmoretextview.ShowMoreTextView android:id="@+id/text_view_show_more" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/text" />
So this part describe how you sort your text? You can sort your text by line number or character length
In Activity you can use like:
ShowMoreTextView textView = findViewById(R.id.text_view_show_more); //You have to use following one of method // For using character length textView.setShowingChar(numberOfCharacter); //number of line you want to short textView.setShowingLine(numberOfLine);
You can change text ofShow more orShow less
textView.addShowMoreText("Continue"); textView.addShowLessText("Less");
You can change text color ofShow more orShow less
textView.setShowMoreColor(Color.RED); // or other color textView.setShowLessTextColor(Color.RED); // or other color