Clone Lux Town
git clone
Install and start your 👷 Hardhat chain
- Make sure to add a mnemonic at
Start Docker and Local Graph Node
- The Docker container provides PostgreSQL and IPFS
- Make sure you Docker engine is running
- The first command spins up the container
- The second command builds and starts Graph Node separately
- The Graph Node connects to PostgreSQL and IPFS
- This will take a lot of time to build the first time
// On a new tabyarn graphnode:docker// On a new tabyarn graphnode:start
Successful Docker output
Successful Graph Node output
Start the Lux Town Subgraph
// On a new tabyarn subgraph:prepare-localyarn configureyarn workspace @luxdefi/contracts add ts-node@10.3 --devyarn subgraph:start
Successful Subgraph output
Build the SDK and Configure
- Running configure will mint a small number of NFTs for testing
// On a new tabyarn build:sdkyarn configure
Start the App