RESTful routing with Nim!
Nest is a high performance URL mapper/router built in Nim.
At the moment, Nest needs a work and is not ready for production. Feedback is appreciated moving forward!
Nest isnot a web application framework, only a router. Everything besides routing must be implemented by some other code.
See examples/ for example usage. Note that using this against Nim's built in asynchttpserver is not required, and it is just used for the examples.
To run the example code, use the following invocation:
nimc-r examples/basic.nim
Threads are not required for nest to run, but the examples use threads (in nim.cfg) to prove that they can be used.
- Map against any HTTP method and path
- Server-agnostic
- URL parameter capture
- Query string parameter capture
- Plays nice with various logging systems
- Does not impose restrictions on your handler methods
- Fully unit tested
- Benchmarking
- Adding consumes/produces constraints
- Removing dependency on HTTP, allow routing on other transport protocols
- Guarantee thread safety