pip install pythonpbs
You will need to add the following to your~/.ssh/config
# the host details of your login node:Host YOUR_LOGIN_SERVER_ALIAS Hostname YOUR_LOGIN_SERVER_HOSTNAME User YOUR_USERNAME
For better ssh performance, you can optionally add the following:
Host *ControlMaster autoControlPath ~/.ssh/controlmasters/%r@%h:%pControlPersist yes
Then, create directory:
mkdir -p~ /.ssh/controlmasters To prevent disconnecting from timeouts, you can also add:
# Send keepalive packets to prevent SSH disconnecting...Host * ServerAliveInterval 60
To use thecode
command, you will need to haveVS code
added to your$PATH
In VS code, open thecommand palette (Cmd+Shift+P
), type "shell command",and run theShell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH
Manually configure the path cat<< EOF >> ~/.zprofile# Add Visual Studio Code (code) export PATH="\$ PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin" EOF cat<< EOF >> ~/.bash_profile# Add Visual Studio Code (code) export PATH="\$ PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin" EOF Restart your shell to register your changes. You can check withwhich code
4. Enable tab completions You can enable CLI tab completion for Bash, Fish, or Zsh.
After modifying.rc
files for your shell, you may have to restart the shell to enable completions.
_PYBS_COMPLETE=zsh_source pybs> ~ /.zsh/pybs-complete.zsh NOTE: you may have to addsource
to your~/.zshrc
if this does not work.
mkdir$ZSH_CUSTOM /plugins/pybspybs completions zsh> $ZSH_CUSTOM /plugins/pybs/_pybs You must then addpybs
to your plugins array in~/.zshrc
_PYBS_COMPLETE=bash_source pybs> ~ /.pybs-complete.bash Add the following to your~/.bashrc
_PYBS_COMPLETE=fish_source pybs> ~/.config/fish/completions/pybs.fish To use thecode
command to launch a VS code instance on a compute node, you will need to create aPBS-compatible job script with asleep infinity
command or similar to prevent early exiting of thejob script.
#! /usr/bin/env bash# PBS -I# PBS -l select=1:ncpus=6:ngpus=1:mem=46gb# PBS -l walltime=4:00:00# PBS -M YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS# PBS -m ae# PBS -j oe sleep infinityThen, you can runcode
as follows:
pybs code YOUR_SERVER_NAME' $HOME/path/to/notebook.ipynb' path/to/job_script.pbs