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Today I Learned: collection of notes, tips and tricks and stuff I learn from day to day working with computers and technology as an open source contributor and product manager
Folders and files
Name | Name | Last commit message | Last commit date | |
Repository files navigation
- Table of Contents
- Categories
- ack - an alternative to grep
- afplay - play audio files from the commandline on macOS
- ag - also known as the Silversurfer, fast alternative to ack and grep
- awk
- Bash - the Bourne Again Shell
- Bootstrap - web framework for fast prototyping
- Bruno - an alternative to Postman
- C - compiled programming language
- carton - tools for handling Perl distributions and dependencies local to a project
- chezmoi - dot filer manager
- chrome - browser also known as chromium
- clang - project for tools for building C, C++ and Objective-C
- colortail - colorful variation of tail
- CPAN - Perl packages and distributions repository
- cpanm - a fast CPAN module installer
- cpm - alternative to cpanm
- crates - Rust packages
- cron - schedule and repeat jobs
- css - cascading style sheets, used for styling HTML
- C# - .NET based language from Microsoft
- curl - a commandline tool for transferring data with URL syntax
- Dash.app - an alternative browser to the built-in documentation in macOS and other resources
- date - see dates and time on the command line
- Debian - popular Linux distribution
- diff-so-fancy - a diff alternative
- DigitalOcean - a hosting provider, caring about open source
- Docker - containerization
- DockerHub - a repository for Docker images
- Dropbox - a cloud storage provider, integrates well with macOS
- dzil - Dist::Zilla, a Perl distribution builder
- EditorConfig - tool for generic text editor configuration
- entr - run arbitrary commands when files change
- exa/eza - an alternative to the ls command
- fd - a fast alternative to find
- FileMerge.app - a diff tool for macOS
- find - find files and directories on the command line
- Ghostty - a fast and native terminal emulator
- Git - version control system
- git-delta - an commandline diff tool, also known as delta
- GitHub - platform for hosting Git repositories
- GitHub Actions - automate your GitHub work and repositories
- GnuPG - PGP tools, GNU variant
- Go - compiled programming language
- grep - see also ag or ack
- Hacking - No Comment
- Homebrew - package manager for macOS (and Linux)
- HTML - HyperText Markup Language
- httpie - an alternative to curl
- irssi - for all your IRC needs
- iTerm.app - an alternative to Terminal.app
- JavaScript - see also Node.js
- Jenkins - a continuous integration server
- Jira - issue tracking and project management
- jq - a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- JSON - see also XML and YAML
- Kali - a Linux distribution focused on security and penetration testing
- Liquid Prompt - see also Starship
- macOS - see OSX
- Mail.app - the default mail client on macOS
- Markdown - basic markup language, great for documentation
- markdownlint - a tool for linting Markdown
- Mermaid - awesome tool for generating diagrams from text
- Mojolicious - a Perl web framework
- MySQL - a relational database
- Nginx - a webserver, proxy and load-balancer
- NodeJS - server-side JavaScript interpreter
- npm - Node.js package manager
- OpenAPI - a specification for describing RESTful APIs, see also Swagger
- OpenSSL - a toolkit for SSL and TLS
- Oracle - a relational database
- OSX - the operating system for Macs - now known as macOS
- Perl - Swiss Army Knife of programming languages
- Perlbrew - a tool for managing multiple Perl installations
- Perltidy - tidy all your Perl
- Postgresql - a relational database
- Programming - general programming tips
- Probot - a framework for building GitHub Apps
- Prolog - a logic programming language
- Python - an interpreted programming language
- qalc - an easy to use command line calculator
- Regexp - regular expressions
- Renovate - a bot for automating dependency updates
- REST - Representational State Transfer, a popular approach to building APIs
- rm - remove files and directories on the command line
- Ruby - an interpreted programming language
- Rust - a compiled programming language
- sed - stream editor
- Shell - general shell tips
- shellcheck - a linter for shell scripts
- Slack - a collaboration tool
- smartcd - a tool for running commands when changing directories
- Sublime Text 3 - see also VSCode
- Subversion - do see Git
- SQL - Structured Query Language
- SQL Developer - a GUI tool for Oracle
- SQLite - a lightweight relational database
- sqlplus - the CLI tool for Oracle
- SSH - Secure Shell
- Starship - nifty prompt and an alternative to Liquid Prompt
- Swagger - tool for describing RESTful APIs, see also OpenAPI
- Swift - a compiled programming language from Apple
- tar - a tool for archiving files
- Terminal.app - do see iTerm.app
- tldr - Too Long; Didn't Read, so use tldr
- tmux - an alternative to screen
- tokei - language statistics - fast
- Ubuntu - a Linux distribution based on Debian
- ufw - Uncomplicated Firewall
- vim - a text editor
- VSCode / Visual Studio Code
- VMware Fusion - a virtualization tool for macOS
- Vue - a JavaScript framework
- WSL 1/2 - Windows Subsystem for Linux
- wtf util - a tool for the command line for visualising important information
- XML - see also YAML and JSON
- YAML - see also XML and JSON
- z - for jumping around in the file structures, an alternative to cd
- zoxide - an alternative to z
- zsh - another shell than bash
- About
- Additional TIL Collections
- License
- Use bash
- Implement tab completions
- Inputting danish characters
- Repeating an executable continuously
- Slimming history
- Reading arguments from the command line
- Copy a file to multiple directories
- Replace a file in multiple directories
- Create directory for own bash completions
- Edit Complex CLI in Editor
- Use fzf
- Use Colours In Terminal Output
- How to get last return value
- Getting Process-id of a Child Proces
- Use Bashmarks
- Use z
- Write safe shell scripts
- Glob expanding to all files in current directory recursively
- Use CPAN
- Data::FormValidator
- File::Find
- Test::Pretty
- Parsing Gitignore
- Install DateTime::Astro
- Getopt::Long
- Use cpanm
- Use cpanm with cpanfile
- Use cpanm with Module::Build
- Use cpanm with CPAN::Mini
- Use cpanm with carton
- Tailing cpanm build log file
- More POST Parameters
- Handling shell sensitive characters in URL
- Pipe output to less
- Use a cheatsheet
- Using curl with Graphql server
- Specify method
- Get statuscode
- Handle gzip
- How to handle location header
- Ignore self signed certificates
- How to enquire version
- Add user to sudoers group
- Resolve conflicting values in Debian package
- Install unauthenticated package
- Translate release names
- Use Docker
- Mount shared folder
- Use shell to inspect filesystem of layer
- How to read files and stdout from a running docker container
- Use ctop
- Define default network addresses used for containers
- Copy a file from your container to the host operating system
- Caching Docker build step
- Show layers of Docker image
- What is the difference between RUN and CMD
- Automatically Clean up after Docker Daily
- Customize your docker ps output
- Use docker-compose-wait
- Silence Warnings from Postgres
- Debugging a b0rken Docker build step
- exec error
- Docker on Windows
- Resolve conflicts involving binary files
- Delete local and remote branch
- Set your email for a repository
- Delete local and remote tags
- Create a branch from a tag
- Correct a commit message
- Update a branch from master
- Rename branch
- Get a cheatsheet
- Update fork from original repository
- Tag a specific revision
- Make a branch new master
- List merged branches
- Git Alias to Show Affected Files in Last N Commits
- Output your branches and tags as a tree on the command line
- Compare a single file between branches
- Rollback a repository to a specific commit
- Avoid being prompted for password
- Rename a tag
- Rewrite the last commit message
- Use Git Repository Viewer: grv
- Use tig
- Update submodule
- Squash merge
- Maintain Multiple Git Identities
- Find Out Who Created a Branch
- See a given file at a given commit
- Create a branch from an older commit
- Get Name of Current Branch
- Use pre-commit
- Ignore Git
- Sort git tags
- Git Status Shell Prompt
- Ignore whitespace changes
- Test Markdown rendering before making public
- How to get the email address of a github user
- Use hub
- Use emojis
- GitHub Action Badges
- Use dependabot
- Use renovate bot
- Providing Suggestions in Reviews
- Use CLI
- Use spellcheck
- Use macOS
- Use EditorConfig
- Schedule runs
- Use Dependabot for GitHub Actions
- Use Dependabot for Docker
- Use Dependabot for Ruby
- Use Dependabot for Python
- Detect What Files Have Changed
- Pin Your Action Dependencies
- How do I resolve the SHA checksum for pinning
- Use checkout action
- Use Go
- Learn Go
- Go Resources
- Reading Documentation
- Reading benchmark results
- Skipping tests
- Colorful test output
- Enriched test output
- How to sleep
- Test Main Function
- Get to know the standard library
- structs
- Running specific tests
- Read from STDIN
- Use gocritic
- Working with local packages
- Panic: Flag redefined
- Multiline strings
- Stop brew from calling home
- Cleaning your homebrew cellar
- Installing bash
- Migrate installation
- Remove tap
- Add and Remove classes using JavaScript
- Execute JavaScript from a button
- How Can I Get HTML value using JavaScript
- Use JavaScript
- Learn JavaScript
- Use a styleguide
- Beware of eval
- Default Parameters for Functions
- Console.log
- Dynamic properties
- Format Numbers
- SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
- Use jq
- Concatenate two fields
- Sort using jq
- Count elements
- Find and Extract object
- Specify Colours
- Generate CSV file
- Convert a number to a string
- Use Markdown
- How do I escape a backtick
- How do I escape a numbersign
- How do I escape asterisk and other characters
- Read Markdown in terminal
- Use Markdownlint
- Redirecting from one URL to another
- Setting up a new application
- Enable logging
- Mojolicious::Controller respond_to and template parameter
- Enable syntax highlighting for configuration files
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Config
- Install Nginx
- Listen on both IPv4 and IPv6
- Serve static files and proxy
- Limit served HTTP methods
- Configure Automatic Restart
- Convert string to date
- ORA-21561: OID generation failed
- Beware of force for creation
- How to see Oracle version
- Executing a function or procedure
- Comments in tnsnames.ora
- See grants for a specific user
- See What a Record Looked Like
- Lock screen shortcuts
- Speak when long running job is done
- List available voices for speechsynthesis
- Set hostname permanently
- Access iCloud from the cli
- Install Homebrew
- Debugging Issues with Dynamic Libraries
- Uninstall MacPorts
- Scheduling Timed Jobs
- Enabling at
- Playing Sound from the Command Line
- Keyboard Symbols
- Use JavaScript
- Set Default Browser From the Command Line
- No telnet use netcat
- What ports are listened on
- Reset Bluetooth
- Inspecting dynamic libraries
- Install OpenSSL using MacPorts
- Translate Release Names
- Find timezones
- Remove backgrounds from images
- Use Perl
- View generated SQL when using DBIx::Class
- Create Test Coverage Report Using Dist::Zilla
- Avoid issues with META.yml with Module::Install
- Install XML::LibXML on MacOS
- Get ExtUtils::MakeMaker to install in local/ like carton
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI Tutorial
- Read Input via Pipe
- Find out if a given Perl distribution is included in core
- Find out what your perl minimum version requirement is
- Use cpm
- Format numbers
- Install perlbrew
- Eliminate compilation warnings on OSX
- Uninstall perlbrew
- Install a new perl and clone modules from an existing installation
- Using perlbrew in Shell scripts
- Use Python
- Old-school string formatting
- What is wheel
- How to detect pipe
- strptime: Convert a string representing date and time to an object
- strftime: Convert a DateTime object to a string in a given format
- Zen of Python
- Use Ruby
- Dump objects attributes
- Use rbenv
- Use rvm
- Use bundler
- ignore in Git
- Division
- Split an integer into an array
- Setting Up a Rust Development Environment
- What is an empty parens
- Get a Cheatsheet
- Installing Dependencies
- Learn Rust
- Formatting code
- Declaring a constant
- Suppress Coloring via env
- Get your shell command explained visually
- Nifty aliases
- Testing Using Bats
- stat
- Do something with every repository
- See in what revision a branch was created
- Use Filemerge as diff tool
- Use commit message from file
- Counting NULL and non-NULL values in a single query
- How to group by month in a year
- How to query data where you are unsure of the casing
- Setting UI fontsize
- Setting dateformat
- View Compilation Log
- Creating folders
- View text instead of Worksheet
- Emulate schemas
- Inserting dates
- Defaulting to now for date
- VARCHAR is just text
- Output formats
- Use a configuration file
- Install updates via command line
- How to enquire version
- Translate release names
- How to add a user to sudoers
- How to add a user
- How to check if a package is installed
- Missing Signed-By in the sources.list
- Stop vscode from calling home
- Integrate vscode with Shell / CLI
- Synchronize Setttings across machines
- Use Markdownlint
- Todo Tree Extension
- Issue with integrated terminal on macOS
- Themes
- Use Markdown All in One
- Perl Language Server Extension
- Search and Replace Empty Lines
<amarkdown-heading" dir="auto">
zoxide - an alternative to z
I have for a long time maintained notes in a public wiki, finding the TIL ofJosh Branchaudjbranchaud/til was aneye-opener and I immiediately wanted to try it out, so after a few months I havefinally set it up.
I plan to migrate my earlier notes, so they are more easily accessible here asTIL snippets, this will be done when I have the time, one TIL at a time :-)
© 2016-2024 jonasbn
This repository is licensed under the MIT license. SeeLICENSE filefor details. Much is lifted from elsewhere and might by copyrighted under otherlicenses by the respective authors. I will mention this where applicable and Iwill link to original sources when and if possible.
Today I Learned: collection of notes, tips and tricks and stuff I learn from day to day working with computers and technology as an open source contributor and product manager