The rtiddsgo package enables golang applications to use RTI DDS. It containsRTI DDS wrappers and tools to generate go files given DDS topics in .xmlfiles generated by the RTI tools from IDL files.
The generated types use golang built-in types; no DDS basic types are visible. Atype may contain another DDS type, but sooner or later they all resolveto golang built-in types.
This package was designed to be easy to use and require little type conversionat the expense of performance; the type code does not try to be efficient whencopying between the DDS representations and the golang representation.
Update the NDDSHOME and RTILIBDIR variables in the Makefile. Then:
...and is a separate terminal:
To generate the goddsgen tool:
Each IDL file must first be converted by the rtiddsgen tool and the -convertToXml optionto an XML represention.
The ./goddsgen executable is then used to parse the XML files and generate golang codefor the structs, unions, enums and constants found in the XML file:
goddsgen <xml_file_name> <rti_install_dir> <rti_lib_dir> <out_path> <package_name>
The arguments are:
- The name of the XML file to read with path if necessary.
- The path to the directory containing the RTI DDS installation, such as "/opt/rti_connext_dds-5.3.1".
- The path to the directory containing the RTI DDS libraries, typically "/opt/rti_connext_dds-5.3.1/lib/x64Linux3gcc5.4.0".
- The file name using in the C-files for the type.
- The path to directory in which the generated golang files should go.
- The packages name to use in all generated golang files.
The generated source code depend on the C code generated for the same IDL byrtiddsgen.
The generated source code have the following characteristics:
- All names of types and variables found in the IDL files have a leading uppercasecharacter in the golang representation to make them visible from outside thepackage. Most have uppercase characters starting every word.
- Names use an underscore to separate modules; "Com_This_That_Blah".
- Strings are unbound. The maximum length as defined in the IDL file is NOTenforced.
- Sequences are converted to golang slices. The maximum length as defined inthe IDL file is NOT enforced.
- A union Foo have a variable _Discriminant acting as the discriminant.
Once the XML file has been parsed and golang source code generated, an applicationuses the rtiddsgo package together with the generated source code to createand use DDS. The rtiddsgo package contains code for:
- Participants
- Publishers
- Subscribers
- Topics
while the generated source code provide:
- Type definition
- DataWriter for the type
- DataReader for the type
- All-in-one participant, publisher, topic and datawriter support for the type
- All-in-one participant, subscriber, topic and datareader support for the type
Do not use the DataReader and DataWriter found in the rtiddsgo package, theyare used by the generated code, not directly by an application.
An application can use a pre-canned Participant/Publisher/Topic/DataWriter for the struct ("Com_Ex_A" is the name of the type) foud in the allinone files:
w := example.NewWriterCom_Ex_A(33, "TheTopicName", "", "", "", "")defer w.Free()w.Dw.Write(example.Com_Ex_A{0, "Hello"})
or it can manage each separately:
p, err := rtiddsgo.New(33, "", "")if err != nil { log.Fatal(err)}defer p.Free()err = example.Com_Ex_A_RegisterType(p)if err != nil { log.Fatal(err)}topic, err := p.CreateTopic("MyMessage", example.Com_Ex_A_GetTypeName(), "", "")if err != nil { log.Fatal(err)}defer topic.Free()pub, err := p.CreatePublisher("", "")if err != nil { log.Fatal(err)}defer pub.Free()dw, err := example.NewCom_Ex_ADataWriter(pub, topic, "", "")if err != nil { log.Fatal(err)}defer dw.Free()dw.Write(example.Com_Ex_A{0, "Hello"})
The same is true for subscribers.
Types are mapped as follows:
IDL | XML | C | Go |
boolean | boolean | DDS_Boolean | bool |
octet | byte | DDS_Octet | uint8 |
short | int16 | DDS_Short | int16 |
unsigned short | uint16 | DDS_UnsignedShort | uint16 |
long | int32 | DDS_Long | int32 |
unsigned long | uint32 | DDS_UnsignedLong | uint32 |
float | float32 | DDS_Float | float32 |
double | float64 | DDS_Double | float64 |
string | string | DDS_Char * | string |
The Makefile builds an example publisher and subscriber, found in theexample directory.
The "//@key" and "//@top-level" IDL directives are NOT used by rtiddsgo.All structs have datawriter and datareader support.
A type is expected to be either fully qualified ("com::this::that") or bedefined in the same module it is used. Example:
module A { struct B { string C; }; struct D { B myB; // This is OK. }; module E { struct F { B myB; // This is NOT ok. Must be A::B, not just B. }; };};
Sequences must be bounded.
Sequences cannot have the index based on an enum.
A union discriminant cannot be a typedef type.
The three parts making up this package are:
Package | Description |
rtiddsgo | Static golang package for participants, publishers, subscribers and topic support. |
rtiddsgo/parse | Parses the XML file and extracts constans, enums, structs, unions and typedefs. |
rtiddsgo/generate | Golang source code generation based on the result of the rtiddsgo/parse package. |
rtiddsgo/main | Main for the goddsgen tool itself. |
File | Description |
constants | Creates a collection of all constants found in the IDL file. |
enums | Creates a collection of all enums found in the IDL file. |
structs | Creates a collection of all structs found in the IDL file. |
typedefs | Creates a collection of all typedefs found in the IDL file. |
unions | Creates a collection of all unions found in the IDL file. |
traverse | Provides functions for traversing the content of the parsed XML file. |
utils | Various functions for converting names to other formats |
xml | Parses the XML file. |
File | Description |
allinone | Generates the all-in-one go source code for a DDS type. |
consts | Generates the go source code for a DDS constants. |
datareader | Generates the DDS data reader go source code for a DDS type. |
datawriter | Generates the DDS data writer go source code for a DDS type. |
enums | Generates the go source code for a DDS enums. |
structs | Generates the go source code for a DDS struct type. |
typedefs | Generates the go source code for a DDS typedef type. |
unions | Generates the go source code for a DDS union type. |
flags | Defines the CGO flags. |
retreive | Provides a function for generating the DDS type Retrieve go source code. |
store | Provides a function for generating the DDS type Store go source code. |
- Function comments.
- Register and dispose support.
- Why doesn't verificationsub always stop properly?