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Minima is a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for writers.


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Themaster branch is under active development towards a semver-major release with non-backwards-compatible changes.

While you may use this theme in the current state either via thejekyll-remote-theme plugin or via a Gemfile, it isrecommended to point to a particular git ref that does not break your site's existing render and gradually update to anewer git ref via a pull request after consulting this repository's commit-log and README.

Pointing directly to theHEAD commit of themaster branch is risky and may contain changes that break your site.

Example of pointing to a particular git ref viajekyll-remote-theme plugin:

# _config.ymlremote_theme:"jekyll/minima@1e8a445"

Example of pointing to a particular git ref viaGemfile (withtheme: minima in_config.yml)

# Gemfilegem"minima",github:"jekyll/minima",ref:"1e8a445"


Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:


And then execute:

$ bundle

Contents At-A-Glance

Minima has been scaffolded by thejekyll new-theme command and therefore has all the necessary files and directories to have a new Jekyll site up and running with zero-configuration.


Refers to files within the_layouts directory, that define the markup for your theme.

  • base.html — The base layout that lays the foundation for subsequent layouts. The derived layouts inject theircontents into this file at the line that says{{ content }} and are linked to this file viaFrontMatter declarationlayout: base.
  • home.html — The layout for your landing-page / home-page / index-page. [More Info.]
  • page.html — The layout for your documents that contain FrontMatter, but are not posts.
  • post.html — The layout for your posts.

Base Layout

From Minima v3 onwards, the base layout is namedbase.html instead ofdefault.html to avoid confusing new users intoassuming that name holds special status.

Users migrating from older versions with customized_layouts/default.html are advised to rename their copy to_layouts/base.html. Migrating users with additional customized layouts may either update front matter references to formerdefault.html layout or create a newdefault.html layout referencing the currentbase.html, whichever route being theeasiest:

---# new `_layouts/default.html` for backwards-compatibility when multiple# layouts have been customized.layout: base---{{ content }}

Home Layout

home.html is a flexible HTML layout for the site's landing-page / home-page / index-page.

Main Heading and Content-injection

From Minima v2.2 onwards, thehome layout will inject all content from /index.htmlbefore thePosts heading. This will allow you to include non-posts related content to be published on the landing page under a dedicated heading.We recommended that you title this section with a Heading2 (##).

Usually thesite.title itself would suffice as the implicit 'main-title' for a landing-page. But, if your landing-page would like a heading to be explicitly displayed, then simply define atitle variable in the document's front matter and it will be rendered with an<h1> tag.

Post Listing

This section is optional from Minima v2.2 onwards.
It will be automatically included only when your site contains one or more valid posts or drafts (if the site is configured toshow_drafts).

The title for this section isPosts by default and rendered with an<h2> tag. You can customize this heading by defining alist_title variable in the document's front matter.


Refers to snippets of code within the_includes directory that can be inserted in multiple layouts (and another include-file as well) within the same theme-gem.

  • disqus_comments.html — Code to markup disqus comment box.
  • footer.html — Defines the site's footer section.
  • google-analytics.html — Inserts Google Analytics module (active only in production environment).
  • head.html — Code-block that defines the<head></head> indefault layout.
  • custom-head.html — Placeholder to allow users to add more metadata to<head />.
  • header.html — Defines the site's main header section that consists of the site'stitle andnavigation.
  • nav-items.html — Contains the logic and markup to render individual link items for the site's navigation.
  • social.html — Renders social-media icons based on theminima:social_links data in the config file usingthe latest version of Font Awesome Free webfonts via remote CDN.
  • sub-footer.html — Placeholder to allow inserting markup (e.g. deferred scripts) before the</body> tag.


Refers to.scss files within the_sass directory that define the theme's styles.

  • minima/skins/classic.scss — The "classic" skin of the theme.Used by default.
  • minima/initialize.scss — A component that defines the theme'sskin-agnostic variable defaults and sass partials.It imports the following components (in the following order):
    • minima/custom-variables.scss — A hook that allows overriding variable defaults and mixins. (Note: Cannot override styles)
    • minima/_base.scss — Sass partial for resets and defines base styles for various HTML elements.
    • minima/_layout.scss — Sass partial that defines the visual style for various layouts.
    • minima/custom-styles.scss — A hook that allows overriding styles defined above. (Note: Cannot override variables)

Refer theskins section for more details.


Refers to various asset files within theassets directory.

  • assets/css/style.scss — Imports sass files from within the_sass directory and gets processed into the theme'sstylesheet:assets/css/styles.css.
  • assets/minima-social-icons.html — Imports enabled social-media icon graphic and gets processed into a composite SVG file.Refersection on social networks for its usage.


Minima comes withjekyll-seo-tag plugin preinstalled to make sure your website gets the most useful meta tags. Seeusage to know how to set it up.


Have the following line in your config file:


Customizing templates

To override the default structure and style of minima, simply create the concerned directory at the root of your site, copy the file you wish to customize to that directory, and then edit the file.e.g., to override the_includes/head.html file to specify a custom style path, create an_includes directory, copy_includes/head.html from minima gem folder to<yoursite>/_includes and start editing that file.

The site's default CSS has now moved to a new place within the gem itself,assets/css/style.scss.

In Minima 3.0, if you only need to customize the colors of the theme, refer to the subsequent section on skins. To have yourCSS overrides in sync with upstream changes released in future versions, you can collect all your overrides for the Sassvariables and mixins inside a sass file placed at_sass/minima/custom-variables.scss and all other overrides inside a sass fileplaced at path_sass/minima/custom-styles.scss.

You need not maintain entire partial(s) at the site's source just to override a few styles. However, your stylesheet's primarysource (assets/css/style.scss) should contain the following:

  • Front matter dashes at the very beginning (can be empty).
  • Directive to import a skin.
  • Directive to import the base styles (automatically loads overrides when available).

Therefore, yourassets/css/style.scss should contain the following at minimum:

------@import  "minima/skins/{{ | default: 'classic' }}",  "minima/initialize";


Minima 3.0 supports defining and switching between multiple color-palettes (orskins).

.├── minima.scss└── minima    └── _syntax-highlighting.scss

A skin is a Sass file placed in the directory_sass/minima/skins and it defines the variable defaults related to the "color"aspect of the theme. It also embeds the Sass rules related to syntax-highlighting since that is primarily related to color andhas to be adjusted in harmony with the current skin.

The default color palette for Minima is defined within_sass/minima/skins/classic.scss. To switch to another available skin,simply declare it in the site's config file. For example, to activate_sass/minima/skins/dark.scss as the skin, the settingwould be:


As part of the migration to support skins, some existing Sass variables have been retired and somehave been redefined assummarized in the following table:

Minima 2.0Minima 3.0
$orange-colorhas been removed
Available skins
Skin settingDescription
classicDefault, light color scheme.
darkDark variant of the classic skin.
autoAdaptive skin based on the default classic and dark skins.
solarizedAdaptive skin forsolarized color scheme skins.
solarized-lightLight variant of solarized color scheme.
solarized-darkDark variant of solarized color scheme.

💡 Adaptive skins switch between the "light" and "dark" variants based on the user's operating system setting or browser setting(via CSS Media Queryprefers-color-scheme).

Customize navigation links

This allows you to set which pages you want to appear in the navigation area and configure order of the links.

For instance, to only link to theabout and theportfolio page, add the following to your_config.yml:



Please note thatsite.header_pages issite.minima.nav_pages in Minima 3.0

Change default date format

You can change the default date format by specifyingsite.minima.date_formatin_config.yml.

# Minima date format# refer to if you want to customize thisminima:  date_format: "%b %-d, %Y"

Extending the<head />

You canadd custom metadata to the<head /> of your layouts by creating a file_includes/custom-head.html in your source directory. For example, to add favicons:

  1. Head over to to add your own favicons.
  2. Customize default_includes/custom-head.html in your source directory and insert the given code snippet.

Enabling comments (via Disqus)

Optionally, if you have a Disqus account, you can tell Jekyll to use it to show a comments section below each post.

⚠️url, e.g., must be set in you config file for Disqus to work.

To enable it, after setting the url field, you also need to add the following lines to your Jekyll site:


You can find out more about Disqus' shortnameshere.

Comments are enabled by default and will only appear in production, i.e.,JEKYLL_ENV=production

If you don't want to display comments for a particular post you can disable them by addingcomments: false to that post's YAML Front Matter.

Author Metadata

FromMinima-3.0 onwards, is expected to be a mapping of attributes instead of a simple scalar value:

author:name:John Smithemail:""

To migrate existing metadata, update your config file and any reference to the object in your layouts and includes as summarized below:

Minima 2.xMinima 3.0

Social networks

You can add links to the accounts you have on other sites, with respective icon as an SVG graphic, via the config file.FromMinima-3.0 onwards, the social media data is sourced from config keyminima.social_links. It is a list of key-value pairs, each entrycorresponding to a link rendered in the footer. For example, to render links to Jekyll GitHub repository and Twitter account (now X), oneshould have:

minima:social_links:    -title:Jekyll repository at GitHubicon:githuburl:""    -title:Jekyll at X (formerly Twitter)icon:x-twitterurl:""

wheretitle corresponds to the link-title displayed when a visitor hovers mouse-pointer over url / icon andicon refers to the Font Awesome icon id. e.g.github corresponds tofa-github.

Social platform icons are rendered using the latest version of Font Awesome Free webfonts sourced via remote CDN.The full list of available social icons can be found at

Enabling Google Analytics

To enable Google Analytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:


Google Analytics will only appear in production, i.e.,JEKYLL_ENV=production

Enabling Excerpts on the Home Page

To display post-excerpts on the Home Page, simply setshow_excepts under top-level keyminima totrue in your_config.yml:



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to theContributor Covenant code of conduct.


To set up your environment to develop this theme, runscript/bootstrap.

To test your theme, runscript/server (orbundle exec jekyll serve) and open your browser athttp://localhost:4000. This starts a Jekyll server using your theme and the contents. As you make modifications, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of theMIT License.

