Popular repositoriesLoading
- Destroy-Windows-10-Spying
Destroy-Windows-10-Spying PublicForked fromspinda/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying
🕵️ Known clean fork of Nummer/Destroy-Windows-10-Spying (retired)
C# 1
- Virus-Builder
Virus-Builder Public templateForked fromCyber-Dioxide/Virus-Builder
This tool will generate a virus that can only destroy Windows computer. You can also configure to auto run in usb drive
Python 1
- ansible-role-win-ec2
ansible-role-win-ec2 PublicForked fromcchurch/ansible-role-win-ec2
Ansible role to create and destroy Windows instances on EC2
- rust-remote-management-toolkit
rust-remote-management-toolkit PublicForked fromlukeh990/rust-remote-management-toolkit
Rust Remote Management
Rust 1
- faceDestroyCameraMaster
faceDestroyCameraMaster PublicForked fromudspj/faceDestroyCameraMaster
for iOS , Objective-C , openGL ES 2.0 . in fact , the camera can "broken" anything , broken image is made by openGLES2.0
Objective-C 1
- db_wlan_manager
db_wlan_manager PublicForked fromsistason/db_wlan_manager
Monitors your Wifi to keep you logged in and resets your Wifi, if your data is drained
Python 1
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