In the name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Especially Merciful,
This is a project dedicated to spreading ad-Da'watus-Salafiyyah to users on reddit, that perhaps they will be guided by Allaah's permission. Ideally, these would be sent via a private message to individual users on reddit who seem sincere, or even outside of reddit. Reddit accepts markdown language, and so does GitHub, which is why I'm storing these Da'wah materials here on GitHub.
Most of the material here was made possible by
In this repository, you will find an ordered list of Da'wah material, in order from the basics of the 'Aqeedah to more advanced topics. Firstly however, you should ask the user if they accept Islaam as the true religion over all other religions. If they do, you can then start giving them Da'wah to Salafiyyah.
In this GitHub repository are the Da'wah materials in order. You should not move onto the next step until you finished the current step. Be sure to press theraw
button in each file to see the material in its orginal markdown language so you can copy and paste it into reddit.