gosstrak collects statistical metrics and write them to InfluxDB for visualization in Grafana.For quick start, use the docker-compose file and initialize the InfluxDB.
% sudo docker-compose up -d% influx>CREATE USER gosstrak WITH PASSWORD'<password>' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES>CREATE DATABASE gosstrak>exit
Then, rungosstrak-fc
BenchmarkTranslate100Tags-32 10000 283151 ns/op 34096 B/op 1321 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate200Tags-32 5000 548079 ns/op 68752 B/op 2662 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate300Tags-32 3000 832507 ns/op 102801 B/op 3978 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate400Tags-32 2000 1151762 ns/op 137600 B/op 5341 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate500Tags-32 2000 1435293 ns/op 171312 B/op 6589 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate600Tags-32 2000 1769288 ns/op 204112 B/op 7906 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate700Tags-32 2000 2039621 ns/op 240305 B/op 9276 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate800Tags-32 1000 2256183 ns/op 274352 B/op 10614 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate900Tags-32 1000 2599413 ns/op 307761 B/op 11898 allocs/opBenchmarkTranslate1000Tags-32 1000 2938569 ns/op 342385 B/op 13247 allocs/op
Iori Mizutani (iomz)