django-admin fixtures(initial data) generator command
pip install djangopip install mimesispip install pyyamlpip install colorama
INSTALLED_APPS= [ ...'mockango',]
(positional): labels of app you need fixture data for them--num
(optional)(default=10): number of object generate for each model--foramt
(optional)(default=yaml): format of fixture file--locale
(optional)(default=en): supported mimesis locales
python generatedata posts --num 5 --format yaml --locale fa
classPost(models.Model):title=models.Charfield(max_length=200)text=models.TextField()is_publish=models.BooleanField(default=False)published_date=models.DateTimeField()CATEGORIES= [ ('T','Tutorail'), ('N','Normal'), ]category=models.CharField(max_length=1,choices=CATEGORIES)
INSTALLED_APPS= [ ...'mockango','posts',]
python generatedata posts --num 5
-fields:category:Tis_publish:falsepublished_date:2018-02-21 05:29:26.253161text:Messages can be sent to and received from ports, but these messages mustobey the so-called "port protocol." It is also a garbage-collected runtime system.Atoms can contain any character if they are enclosed within single quotes andan escape convention exists which allows any character to be used within anatom. The syntax {D1,D2,...,Dn} denotes a tuple whose arguments are D1, D2,... Dn. Do you come here often?title:Messages can be sent to and received from ports, but these messages mustobey the so-called "port protocol."model:posts.postpk:1-fields:category:Nis_publish:falsepublished_date:2009-01-25 08:37:08.793574text:She spent her earliest years reading classic literature, and writing poetry.Do you have any idea why this is not working? Any element of a tuple can beaccessed in constant time. Its main implementation is the Glasgow Haskell Compiler.Tuples are containers for a fixed number of Erlang data types.title:They are written as strings of consecutive alphanumeric characters, thefirst character being lowercase.model:posts.postpk:2-fields:category:Tis_publish:falsepublished_date:2013-01-03 11:28:01.825650text:He looked inquisitively at his keyboard and wrote another sentence. Anyelement of a tuple can be accessed in constant time. Haskell is a standardized,general-purpose purely functional programming language, with non-strict semanticsand strong static typing. Atoms are used within a program to denote distinguishedvalues. Atoms can contain any character if they are enclosed within single quotesand an escape convention exists which allows any character to be used withinan atom.title:They are written as strings of consecutive alphanumeric characters, thefirst character being lowercase.model:posts.postpk:3-fields:category:Tis_publish:falsepublished_date:2006-06-24 11:19:25.527136text:Haskell features a type system with type inference and lazy evaluation.It is also a garbage-collected runtime system. Messages can be sent to and receivedfrom ports, but these messages must obey the so-called "port protocol." Thesequential subset of Erlang supports eager evaluation, single assignment, anddynamic typing. Tuples are containers for a fixed number of Erlang data types.title:The syntax {D1,D2,...,Dn} denotes a tuple whose arguments are D1, D2, ...Dn.model:posts.postpk:4-fields:category:Tis_publish:truepublished_date:2006-10-17 12:10:48.115520text:Tuples are containers for a fixed number of Erlang data types. It is alsoa garbage-collected runtime system. He looked inquisitively at his keyboardand wrote another sentence. The Galactic Empire is nearing completion of theDeath Star, a space station with the power to destroy entire planets. Messagescan be sent to and received from ports, but these messages must obey the so-called"port protocol."title:Ports are created with the built-in function open_port.model:posts.postpk:5
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