of downloads) Visual Studio Code extension and many other endearing projects.Having an extensive experience in building projects from the ground up, with dedication and commitment in every step of the way. Always trying to help the dev-community by building useful libraries, modules, packages, extensions, add-ons and only recently, Visual Studio Code themes.
✍🏼 Techbook authorin the making.
👨🏻💻 HugeDX (developer experience) advocate.
🎯 Always looking forchallenges.
Currently working as a:
- 🦶🏼full-stack engineer withDesign and Product Insight atSensomed.eu
- 🍸full-stack engineer withDesign and Product Insight atSissiS.com
- 🐆 freelancefull-stack developer
- 🧙🏻♂️free-willopen sourcerer
Igor was born on August 27, 1993, in Kraljevo, Serbia. From a very young age he was a curious boy who loved discovering new things and with a gift for logic and linguistics. Notably, without going through the usual process of sounding out words letter by letter, he began reading fluently in Serbian (his native language) at the age of 5 and a half. He was always keen on technology and everything tech-related, fascinated by how things work, analyzing and reverse engineering them, even from a very young age. His interest and fascination by technology started with cellphones and gaming consoles. At the same time, through various video games and later TV shows (mostly crime shows), he was learning English, his first foreign language that was later being continuously improved through formal education. Having no family background of anything remotely related to IT nor the English language, he was left to his own devices which further sparked his curiosity.
Fast forward a few years, at the age of 15, he started learning how to code, first inHTML,CSS and finallyJavaScript on a 1.5 inches screen (Sony Ericsson J300i) because he didn't have a computer, spending8h+/day reading and trying out new things. Once he has learnt the basics he built a few websites onPeperonity which were some the most popular sites at the time. After that he proceeded with learningJavaScript in depth and made a new website onXTgem with which he applied to a contest for the best website (multiple categories) that theXTgem team organized and his site (skywap.xtgem.com)won an award.
Igor was theexemplary student of his generation in IT (in high school, 4 years) and was commended multiple times by his professors at the time. AfterHTML andCSS he continued learning; next wasPHP which he started learning in conjunction withWordPress. In the meantime, in high school he was learning aboutPascal (console apps) and laterDelphi (a variant ofObject Pascal, GUI apps) where he once againexcelled even without having a computer and practising at home like the rest of his classmates.
After finishing high school he created his next website named NeoVisio that was based on WordPress and it was the first website that brought him some money. When he saved enough of it he bought hisfirst laptop at the age of 18 and started attending the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak, Serbia.
Software engineering was his main field of study while attending it; while there he was taught various things, fromUML toC andC#, to ethics, mathematics, marketing and psychology, etc. He did both solo and team projects in his college days. While studying there, he got captivated byC# and started learning it not only in college but also through self-study at home because he is a firm believer and devotee ofautodidacticism.
During his studies, hegave programming classes to other, fellow students and high-school students as well and started doingfreelance development which furtherexpanded his tech stack and expertise. In his college days he was always seeking for intellectual challenges, one them being given by one of his professors, to create a mathematical software which solves equations using the linear programming method. The mentioned professor said that nobody was able to solve it the past 5 years since he came up with it, for which Igor got a 10 (A) and was praised by the professor.
Noticing the necessity of creating and contributing to open-source world, he created manyFOSS libraries and utilities used by many developers/companies and startedcontributing to a vast number of open-source projects.
Created a custom templating languageADBT
, for writing Adblock templates (.adbt
), its complementary filesADBM
), its parser, compiler (Aria
), and a Visual Studio Code extension (ADBT
), more information available in theofficial file specification 🍭
ReleasedGit Home, a Visual Studio extension that launches the local Git repository's URL in the default browser.
Created a performant and light (< 1.5KB) JavaScript polyfill for thescrollend
Event in browser, check it out atscrollend polyfill
Released my first VS Code theme,Kai, available at theVS Code Marketplace 🌊
Created a new Astro component ✨🎉
EasyNav Button, an easy-to-add and use navigational button, available at<EasyNavButton /> and featured on Astro's officialIntegrations library 😍
Updated my AdBlock filters, so it's very lightweight on your hardware's resources, available atAdVoid repository and is supported by the AdGuard team 🌷
🤗 See myGitHub Unwrapped for 2024 🎄
🗓️ 17 Mar 2025
🌊 Or Ctrl / ⌘ key + click on the technology links 👇 to see repositories built with it – where applicable 🏄
☄️ Links showing the icon are external and will navigate away from this page 🌋
🌎Web:HTML,CSS,JavaScript,jQuery,PHP,TypeScript,Node,Express.js,Sass,SQLite,Bootstrap,MySQL,Wordpress +WooCommerce,Astro,PWA
📱Mobile:Xamarin,Kotlin,Dart + Flutter,Java/Android
🦄UI/UX:Affinity Designer,Figma
,Adobe XD
,Adobe Illustrator
,Adobe Photoshop
,Affinity Photo
🛠️Tooling:esbuild,Vitest,tsx,webpack,Gulp,Rollup,TypeScript Compiler,Babel,Vite,npm,npx,EditorConfig,ESLint,Biome,Composer
🦖Extensibility:Visual Studio Code extensions/VSIX,UserScript,Chrome extensions
🌈Customizability:Visual Studio Code themes
🪀Tools:DBeaver,Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access)
(Ubuntu, Mint & Manjaro)
🥊IDE:Visual Studio Code 💘,Visual Studio
,Android Studio
,GitHub Pages
🤗 Don't go yet because I:
🌹 can help you block pesky ads & trackers using an AdBlock filter I am maintainingAdVoid 👈🏼
🗣️ created my own templating language for writing reusable Adblock filter lists, available atADBT
🐛 squash bugs for cash onHackerOne
🎀 like craftingnpm packages:
- 🦆
packagesbuilt already
- 🦀
of installs
🧃 like buildingVisual Studio Code extensions:
- 🐚
extensionsso far
- 💄
themeso far
- 🦐
of installs - ✅
extension developer
🧩 like assemblingGitHub Actions:
- 🛸
actionso far
🦦 like producingGo/Golang modules:
- 🐢
moduleso far
🎠 like makingPackagist packages
🐣 am excited about these upcoming technologies:PyScript,FormKit
💫 am currently working on building my portfolio website
🌱 am currently learningRust,React
🙌 am constantly creating open-source projects that help the dev-community
📜 own more than30
programming certificates
👯 am looking to collaborate on exciting and challenging projects
🤝 am looking for help with myFOSS projects
🤼 like exchanging opinions with my people atVS Code
🧪 do front-end experiments on myCodePen like:
🔳 3D Cube
💠 Diamond Menu
🛣️ CSS Road
💻 CSS Laptop
🍦 CSS Ice-Cream
📱 CSS Mobile Phone
🎷 Audio Playerand
♾️ still to come.
🏀 dribble onDribbble
📝 post snippets on myGist
🦘 love adding new applications to theWinGet-Pkgs repository:
- 🦑 added
applicationsso far
🔃 can teach you about recursion, readabout recursion to learn more
👟 love taking long walks & runs:
- 🏆 PR:
;1200 kcal
(May 8, 2018)🥇
🌱 adore being in touch with nature
🐒 adhere to the metaphysical naturalism
⚙️ cherish automatizing things, I have tons of dev-utils written in PowerShell, Node and Python
🎬 love watching movies, series & anime, see mywatchlist (on Notion)
🎮 play games in my spare time, see mygame list (on Notion) 🐬 am a firm believer inautodidacticism
🎧 am a huge audiophile, I even post EuroVision videos on myYouTube channel
🎭 am known as:Igor Dimitrijević,igorskyflyer,igordvlpr,Игор Димитријевић,igor.dvlpr,
🤭 fun fact — call me if you need to "clean up" your buffet 🍖🥩🍟🍕🌮🌯🍔🍩🥧
Posts on my blogigorskyflyer.me:
- Fix Node binaries in VS Code Terminal 🐢
- How to write low performance CSS animations 🐌
- Stop using 'all' in CSS transitions 🙅🏻♂️
- Build an HTML element creation utility ⚡
- Hello world 👋🏼
- 🔒 Closed issue#3066 inthe-advoid/ad-void
- ❗ Opened issue#3066 inthe-advoid/ad-void
- 🗣 Commented on#42347 inbrave/brave-browser
- 🔒 Closed issue#42347 inbrave/brave-browser
- ❗ Opened issue#43170 inbrave/brave-browser
Reach me viaemail orLinkedIn
for business inquiries, exciting projects, etc. or if you prefer stalking, you can 👉🏼stalk me here
😂 🦜
If you in any case want to support my open-source work which takes my dedication and time, you can do so using myKo-Fi page.
Any type of support is very much appreciated. 🙂
- the-advoid/ad-void
the-advoid/ad-void Public✈️ An efficient AdBlock filter list that blocks ads, trackers, malware, phishing attempts, fake download links, fake search results, and a lot more if you want it to! Things like: cookie-consent ba… - npm-astro-post-excerpt
npm-astro-post-excerpt Public⭐ An Astro component that renders post excerpts for your Astro blog - directly from your Markdown and MDX files! 💎 Featured on Astro's official Integrations library: https://astro.build/integration…
- npm-magic-queryselector
npm-magic-queryselector Public🪄 A TypeScript-types patch for querySelector/querySelectorAll, make them return types you expect them to! 🔮
- calculus-ex
calculus-ex Public📊 A mathematical software which solves equations using the linear programming method. Linear programming (LP) (also called linear optimization) is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maxi…
- npm-registry-apppaths
npm-registry-apppaths Public🪀 A Node.js module for reading the AppPaths registry key on Windows. Useful for retrieving applications that can be launched from the command prompt. 🗃
TypeScript 5
- npm-vscode-folderpicker
npm-vscode-folderpicker Public✨ Provides a custom Folder Picker API + UI for Visual Studio Code. 🎨
JavaScript 4
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