Please feel free to shop for all my available merchandises here - Open-source,publicly available sources, and proprietary licensed.
Terms and Conditions applies.
I'm known for digital products developer from software, dataset, graphics,audio, and video. As long as it is intellectual properties (IP) goods anddoable and aligned to my interest, you can find my signature there.
Certain products are proprietary and hidden for public availability. If you'reinterested, please feel free to contact me!
Cheers & let's get connected!
All standalone and ready-to-deploy software applications designed for end-usersand enterprise customers.
- AutomataCI - An open-source,redistributable, template-guided, and semi-autonomous CI infrastructurereadily available your next project.
- Upscaler - An AI app forupscaling image and video with your local computing devices.
- WinSteward - An app forpackaging Windows OS with organizational configurations without engagingpiracy.
The super libraries with the highest consistencies across multiple supportedprogramming languages. These libraries were written from scratch with 3 solidpurposes:
- Make sure cross-compilation across platforms and architectures can be donefrom anywhere to anywhere.
- Make sure the algorithm is the same across multiple programming languages.
- Make sure the libraries are decentralized and unaffected by geo-politicalshenanigans.
Like the mythology, I just want a peaceful library free from all the softwareindustry's drama and friendly to others.
We rarely heard aboutHestia (or Vesta) among the Olympusdramas but she's there taking care everyone, steadily, and quietly; makingsure there's always a place to take rest and have warmth regardless who theyare or what they are.
- HestiaKERNEL - Providescritical and foundational resources like data structures, error codes'definitions, parallelism, inter-process communicatiors, etc.
- HestiaSTRING - Providesfull Unicode string & bytes-level processing services.
- HestiaAI - Facilitates neuralnetwork artificial intelligence related application-based protocol interfaces(API) functions.
- HestiaTOML - Provides TOMLinterpretation parsing services.
Here are the available legal documents and licenses deployed across all myproducts and services. Although these documents has my brand name in it, thesedocuments are actually a set of public licenses usable by you. Feel free toread through and deploy as per your business interest.
Of course, you can replace my brand name (except the authorship) into yours aslong as you maintain it.
For name scoping and indentification purposes only - like I can't claimthe generic word "permissive license" worldwide just for me. By prefixing,I scope them down to my permissive license. That way, other people can usethe generic terms without causing any conflict and confusion.
These documents are the currently active and under my direct stewardship.
- chewkeanho-agreement-model-release
- for releasing models (e.g. people, pets, assets) in a content(e.g. image, video, audio, etc).
- chewkeanho-agreement-service-endpoint-onsite
- for business customers procuring endpoint restoration services from me.
- chewkeanho-license-liberal
- for releasing content (not just software) with maximum freedom targetingpublicly accessible content with source-liberty, no-copyleft, andcommercial freedom.
- chewkeanho-license-permissive
- for releasing content (not just software) targeting public accessiblecontent with public freedom, no-copyleft, and commerical friendliness.
- chewkeanho-license-proprietary
- for releasing content (not just software) targeting public accessiblecontent with maximum proprietary control.
- chewkeanho-policy-general
- for my personal and business transactions under my own terms and conditions.
These documented are retired and mainly archived for educational purposes only(e.g. tracking how they were started and how they go). They can be eitherretired or converged into other documents.
- chewkeanho-gpos - discontinueddevelopment and support.
- chewkeanho-rlos - convergedand superseded bychewkeanho-license-permissive.
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- ExperimentingGoWASM
ExperimentingGoWASM PublicAn experimental repository for developing libraries and web tools necessary to use pure Go to compile a PWA web app via WASM.
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- ExperimentingRust
ExperimentingRust Public archiveAn experimental repository for developing libraries and web tools necessary to use Rust in various environments.
Rust 11
- DemoHestia
DemoHestia Public archiveThis repository is meant to demonstrate the use of ZORALab's Hestia and generate the nececessary getting started guides.
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