Hack Club
We've verified that the organizationhackclub controls the domain:
- hackclub.com
Welcome to a worldwide community of high school hackers. We’re artists, writers, engineers, tinkerers, campers, filmmakers, volunteers. Wemake things. Wehelp one another. We havefun.Join us ➚
Transparency is a core value of Hack Club, and code is not the only thing we open source.We've open sourced our finances, workshops, events and more.
We'd love to have you involved in the community:
Start a Hack Club at your high school.
Join theHack Club Slack & get chatting with thousands of other young makers.
Attend(or start!) ahigh school hackathon in your area.
Make your project a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with🏦 HCB.
Ship a new project with one ofour Jams.
Here on GitHub, there are a bunch of ways to get involved:
Draw a 🦕 dino & submit a PR to
.Make and manufacture your first PCBas part of⚙️ OnBoard. We'll fund up to US$100 for your project!
Multilingual? Help ustranslate our site!
Write a Jam for clubs & hackers to build from.
Contribute to🕳️ Burrow, our open-source tool for burrowing through firewalls.
Check outcontribute.hackclub.com
for more active repositories & a guide to contributing.
💖 Thank you for being a part of making Hack Club a magical place for high school hackers.
🤫 Psst! You can join our GitHub organization bydrawing a dino.
- some-assembly-required
some-assembly-required Public📖 An approachable introduction to Assembly.
- hcer-public-github-data Public
hackclub/hcer-public-github-data’s past year of commit activity
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