This repository provides a structured approach to setting up and experimenting with RISC-V architectures, focusing on theBOOM (Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine) core. It includes essential setup instructions, simulation execution, and security experiments such asSpectre Attacks.
RISC-V Lab aims to provide a hands-on experience in working with theRISC-V BOOM core, running simulations, and testing various security aspects. This repository includes structured guides and scripts to streamline the process. The key components include:
- Chipyard: A framework for designing and testing RISC-V SoCs, including the BOOM core.
- BOOM: The Berkeley Out-of-Order Machine, a high-performance RISC-V core.
- Spectre Attacks: Security experiments to test and analyze the vulnerability of RISC-V cores to Spectre attacks.
The repository is structured to provide a step-by-step guide to setting up the environment, running simulations, and executing test programs on the BOOM core. It also includes detailed instructions for running security experiments to understand the impact of Spectre attacks on RISC-V cores.
Refer to the setup guides and instructions available in separate documents for:
- Installing dependencies
- Setting up the RISC-V toolchain
- Configuring and running simulations withChipyard
- Executing test programs on BOOM
Detailed installation and configuration instructions are available in:
: Installing the RISC-V toolchain and Chipyarddocs/
: Configuring and running simulations
To run basic tests and simulations, refer to:
: Running BOOM simulations and executing test binariesdocs/
: Running security experiments on BOOM
For common issues and solutions, check:
: Fixes for common installation and execution problems
Contributions are welcome!
for details on how to contribute.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.