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G+Smo (Geometry + Simulation Modules, pronounced "gismo") is anopen-source C++ library that brings together mathematical tools forgeometric design and numerical simulation. It is developed mainly byresearchers and PhD students. It implements the relatively newparadigm ofisogeometric analysis, which suggests the use ofa unified framework in the design and analysis pipeline.G+Smo is an object-oriented, cross-platform, template C++ library andfollows the generic programming principle, with a focus on bothefficiency and ease of use.The library is partitioned into smaller entities, called modules.Examples of available modules include the dimension-independent NURBS module,the data fitting and solid segmentation module, the PDEdiscretization module and the adaptive spline module, based onhierarchical splines of arbitrary dimension and polynomial degree.The library is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0. It hasbeen developed within the homonym research network supported by theAustrian Science Fund and aims at providing access to high quality,open-source software to the forming isogeometric numerical simulationcommunity and beyond.Continue reading in theAbout section.
See alsoDownloading,Compiling,Project Structure anddocumentation
January 2025 WorkshopG+Smo Developer days and COSMIC meeting 2025 held at the Univeristy of Florence, Italy.
March 2024 WorkshopG+Smo Developer days 2024 held at AUTH, Beta CAE and OK!Thess, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Oct. 2022 WorkshopG+Smo Developer days 2022 & preCICE meeting held physically at TU Delft, The Netherlands.
Dec. 2021 WorkshopG+Smo Developer days 2021 held physically at Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Dec. 2020 WorkshopG+Smo Developer days 2020 held online.
May 2018 WorkshopG+Smo Developer days 2018 takes place in Öckerö, Sweden.
Nov. 2017 G+Smo tutorial presented at theARCADES School taking place in Athens, Greece.
Feb. 2017 WorkshopG+Smo Developer days 2017 takes place in TU Delft, The Netherlandsin connection with the MOTOR project.
Dec. 2015 The funding of FWF National Research NetworkGeometry + Simulation, which is a driving force behind G+Smo, has been extended for the years 2016-2020.
Nov. 2015 Workshop "G+Smo Developer days" takes place in Linz, Austriain connection with the MOTOR project.
Oct. 2015 The library is now available for installation in Gentoo Linux,find out how to install.
Sep. 2015 The library is now available for installation viaAPT in Ubuntu/Debian,find out how.
Aug. 2015 Release 0.8.1 Alpha is launched, seethe downloads section.
Dec. 2014 Release 0.8 Alpha is launched, seethe downloads section.
- GitHub issues:https://github.com/gismo/gismo/issues
- Slack Workspace:https://gismolib.slack.com
- E-mail:gismo@inria.fr
- Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8270530/
- Twitter:https://twitter.com/gismolib
- Sourceforge:http://g-smo.sourceforge.net