$ gum listCurrently used name=gauseen email=gauseen@gmail.com┌────────────┬─────────┬─────────────────────────┐│ group-name │ name │ email │├────────────┼─────────┼─────────────────────────┤│ global │ gauseen │ gauseen@gmail.com ││ user1 │ li si │ lisi@gmail.com ││ user2 │ wang er │ wanger@gmail.com │└────────────┴─────────┴─────────────────────────┘
Usage: gum [options] [command]Options: -V, --version output the version number -h, --help displayhelpforcommandCommands: list List all the user config groupset [options]<group-name> Set one groupfor user config --name User name --email User email use [options]<group-name> Use one group namefor user config --global Git global config delete<group-name> Delete one grouphelp [command] displayhelpforcommand