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Search or detect name on some resource (GitHub, NPM, Component, Bower, Jam, ...)


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Detect whether a name is registered or present on some resource (GitHub,NPM,Bower, ...).

Also allows searching for string on specified resources.

NPM versionBuild StatusBuilt with Grunt

Available resources

The following resources are available:

You can see information about all available resources by runningseeq -l (see below).


To install and use seeqNode.js should be installed in your system.Run the following command to install seeq:

npm install -g seeq


Runseeq to show usage information.

> seeqUsage: seeq [name]... [options]name     Name/string that should be searched for or checked for presence on a resourceOptions:   -h, --help             Show usage information and exit   -l, --list-resource    Show information about all available resources   -r, --at               Filter for available resources by name: comma-separated list of names (case-insensitive) of resources that should be checked/searched   -t, --tag              Filter for available resources by tag: comma-separated list of tags (case-insensitive); -tag means that resource should not have the tag   --all-tag              Whether all specified tags should be checked for a resource   -p, --partial-match    Allow partial matching when checking name: 0 - disallow (by default), 1 - allow at the beginning of matching strings, 2 - allow substring matching   -c, --case-sensitive   Use case-sensitive check/search when possible   -s, --search           Make search instead of check   -m, --limit            Limit of quantity of results per resource   --timeout              Number of seconds to wait for a response before aborting a data request to a resource  [60]   -f, --format           Result format; can be: text, json, markdown, raw  [text]   -V, --verbose          Enable verbose output   -v, --version          Show program version   --github-lang          Search GitHub repositories that are written in the specified language   --github-limit         Limit of quantity of GitHub results; default and maximum value is 100   --github-user          GitHub username that should be used for authentication   --github-password      GitHub account password   --github-token         GitHub OAuth2 token that should be used for authentication instead of username and passwordAvailable resources (9):    * GitHub ( - GitHub repositories (tags: github repository project library framework package)    * NPM ( - Node packaged modules registry (tags: npm js javascript package library node)    * Bower ( - Bower package manager registry (tags: bower js javascript package component library browser)    * Grunt ( - Registry of Grunt plugins (tags: grunt js javascript plugin registry node task runner)    * Gulp ( - Registry of Gulp plugins (tags: gulp js javascript plugin registry node build)    * JSter ( - Catalog of JavaScript libraries and tools for web development (tags: jster js javascript catalog library framework tool)    * MicroJS ( - List of micro-frameworks and micro-libraries (tags: microjs js javascript library framework micro)    * CDNJS ( - CDN for popular web development frameworks, libraries, CSS and other assets (tags: cdnjs cdn js javascript library framework css browser)    * Web components ( - Share and discover reusable web UI components (tags: webcomponents customelements web component webcomponent custom element js javascript css html gallery browser)

To make a search you can usesees command (sees equals toseeq -s).


It is possible to specify format of search result:

  • text - result will be converted into plain text; default format
  • json - result will be converted into JSON
  • markdown - result will be converted intoMarkdown
  • raw - result will be returned "as is" (raw JSON): in usual mode auxiliary data about resources will be deleted,in verbose mode no processing will be applied


Checknumgen,three andsome-strange-name at resources havingpackage tag and limit results per resource up to 5.

> seeq numgen three some-strange-name --tag package --limit 5Checking GitHub, NPM, Bower...Progress: 9/9 (100%)Results:1. numgen    GitHub - 5        numgen - Creates objects that generate number sequences        url:        numgen - A little Go command line application to generate ranges of numbers        url:        numgen        url:        numgen        url:        numgen - numger prediction        url:    NPM - 1        numgen - Creates objects that generate number sequences        url:        keywords: number sequence generator    Bower - 1        numgen - Creates objects that generate number sequences        url:        keywords: number sequence generator2. three    GitHub - 3        three - Totally not inspired Rust 3D library        url:        three - An easy-to-use Python wrapper for the Open311 API.        url:        three - A GPL (v2) and Creative Commons (for the assets) game for the ioquake3 engine.        url:    NPM - 1        three - JavaScript 3D library        url:        keywords: three three.js 3d canvas svg webgl    Bower - 1        three        url: some-strange-name    GitHub        some-strange-name is not found.    NPM        some-strange-name is not found.    Bower        some-strange-name is not found.

Checkmixing andflight at GitHub and Bower, allow partial matching at the beginning, use case-sensitive search,limit Bower results up to 3 and GitHub results up to 5, include only GitHub projects that are written in JavaScript,show additional information about found items.

> seeq mixing flight -r github,bower --partial-match 1 -c --bower-limit 3 --github-limit 5 --github-lang js --verboseChecking GitHub, Bower...Progress: 4/4 (100%)Results:1. mixing    GitHub - 5        mixing - Functions to mix, filter, change and copy/clone objects        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        stars: 14        mixing-console-example - Audio mixing console UI example        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        license: MIT        stars: 3        mixingloom-profiler-example - an example of profiling by mixingloom-profiler        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        stars: 2        mixing - Spotify API for adding songs and playlists        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        mixingMachine - program for new machines        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript    Bower - 1        mixing - Functions to mix, filter, change and copy/clone objects        url:        keywords: mix merge mixin assign object filter map change copy clone modify update        version: 1.2.5        repository:        license: MIT2. flight    GitHub - 5        flight - A component-based, event-driven JavaScript framework from Twitter        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        license: MIT        stars: 6639        flightplan - Run sequences of shell commands against local and remote hosts.        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        license: MIT        stars: 1782        flightDelay - FlightDelay Project        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        license: MIT        stars: 115        flightSimPanels - Flight Simulator Instrument Panels on your Browsers, using UDP over Node.js and        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        license: GPL-3.0        stars: 85        flightSimulator - Eurofighter Typhoon simulated driving(???????????)        url:        repository:        language: JavaScript        stars: 39    Bower - 3        flight - Clientside component infrastructure        url:        version: 1.5.1        repository:        flight-yql        url:        version: 0.2.2        repository:        flight-withEach        url:        version: 1.0.0        repository:

Search forpegasus at resources that have taglibrary and do not have tagsnode andcdn,limit results per resource up to 5, print the search result in JSON format.

> sees pegasus -m 5 --tag library,-node,-cdn --all-tag -f jsonChecking GitHub, Bower, JSter, MicroJS...Progress: 4/4 (100%)Results:{    "pegasus": {        "GitHub": {            "result": [                {                    "name": "pegasus",                    "description": "A distributed key-value storage system developed and maintained by Xiaomi Cloud Storage Team.",                    "url": ""                },                {                    "name": "pegasus",                    "description": "Load JSON while still loading other scripts",                    "url": ""                },                {                    "name": "pegasus",                    "description": "VM based deployment for prototyping Big Data tools on Amazon Web Services",                    "url": ""                },                {                    "name": "pegasus",                    "description": "Pegasus Workflow Management System - Automate, recover, and debug scientific computations.",                    "url": ""                },                {                    "name": "Pegasus",                    "description": "A PEG parser generator for .NET that integrates with MSBuild and Visual Studio.",                    "url": ""                }            ]        },        "Bower": {            "result": [                {                    "name": "pegasus",                    "description": "Load data while still loading other scripts, works with jQuery, Backbone, Angular...",                    "url": "",                    "keywords": [                        "ajax",                        "promise",                        "xhr",                        "http",                        "request",                        "XMLHttpRequest",                        "data",                        "json",                        "bootstrap",                        "performance",                        "optimization",                        "load",                        "loader",                        "preload",                        "preloader"                    ]                }            ]        },        "JSter": {            "result": []        },        "MicroJS": {            "result": [                {                    "name": "Pegasus",                    "description": "Load JSON data while still loading other scripts (xhr + promise).",                    "url": "",                    "keywords": [                        "AJAX",                        "JSON",                        "GET",                        "xhr",                        "request",                        "promise",                        "parallel",                        "performance",                        "load",                        "preload"                    ]                }            ]        }    }}


In your program you can use API provided by seeq in the following way:

varseeq=require("seeq");...functiononProgress(data){console.log([data.number,"/",,": checked ",," at ",data.resource,", results - ",data.result.result.length].join(""));}["chronoman","knockout","joy"],callback,{resource:["NPM","Github","web components"],settings:{_general:{limit:5,partialMatch:2,caseSensitive:true},github:{limit:10,language:"js"}},progressCallback:onProgress});...seeq.searchName("duratiform",callback,{resource:["Bower","MicroJS"]});...seeq.searchName("cheerio",callback,{search:true,resourceTag:["library","-cdn"]});["adam","eva"],function(resultMap){console.log(seeq.format.format(resultMap,"json",{queryList:["eva","adam"],verbose:true}));});

See JSDoc-generated documentation indoc folder.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.Lint and test your code usingGrunt.


Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Denis Sikuler
Licensed under the MIT license.

