Issues relating to accessibility, such as colorblind users, hard-of-sight users, etc.
Items that would block a forthcoming release
Tickets with this label rewards core contributors for completion
Issue related to bug or improvement of data binding
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Requires some visual design process
Issues relating to documentation changes.
Issues relating to the desktop driver specifically
Issues relating to the mobile driver specifically
Issues related to web driver specifically
This issue or pull request already exists
Improvements to the builtin file dialogs
Features that might take a while to be sheduled
Pull requests that update go code
Issues that count towards Hacktoberfest scores.
Extra attention is needed
Further information is requested
I18n and support for non-bundled fonts and languages
Items for keyboard control
Issues relating to the mobile siumulator.
Tickets that could help Fyne apps run faster
Tickets affecting only Android devices
Tickets affecting only FreeBSD
Tickets affecting only iOS devices
Tickets affecting only Linux