Easy math decimals for JS
metic.add(0.1, 0.2, 2) === 0.3
This is a simple and useful package to help you on arithmetics.
If you've ever tried to sum decimal numbers in JavaScript, you were definitely surprised...
We know that0.1 + 0.1
is, as you expect,0.2
But sometimes you get some unexpected result.
As for0.1 + 0.2
The result is not0.3
as you would expect, but it is0.30000000000000004
Yes, the first time I was surprised too. However, if you search further to find out what happens via these links:
importmeticfrom'metic'// import {metic} from 'metic'metic.add(0.1,0.2)// => 0.3
You can also use as many decimals places as you like and ensure the value will be as close to what you expect.
importmeticfrom'metic'// import {metic} from 'metic'/** * Calculate the sum of two decimals properly. *@param {number} a - First value to be considered in the sum. *@param {number} b - Second value to be considered in the sum. *@param {number} positions - Number of decimals we expect as our result. */metic.add(0.1,0.222,3)// => 0.322