The problem arises when those responsible for a team of Formula One haveto decide under what car setup will give the best results.This configuration is different for each circuit where the car has to compete.During the season each team selects a circuit that does not have to beone where you compete during the season, either by proximity to the carparts maker or by the climatic conditions of the area. In this circuitare obtained based configurations, in which the car gets good results.
These original settings are used as a starting point, when deciding whichconfiguration right to compete in a given circuit.Depending on the technical characteristics of the circuit will chooseone of the basic configurations that have team leaders.
The factors that have to decide one or the other settings are:
For each circuit these factors have a greater or lesser influence on theresults that would set the car on the track.
Therefore this problem is considered multi-rate, since we must choosethe best option depending on more than one criterion, which can beresolved through ELECTRE method.