We've verified that the organizationfolksable controls the domain:
tldr: photo habit tracker.
folksable is a personal productivity app to help young people form habits, and routines and manage their lives in a fun and memorable way by taking pictures, collaborating with friends, and documenting their progress as they grow, our goal is to make productivity more fun and approachable to millions of young people around the world who feel left out by the current enterprise productivity software providers.
what started as a small summer-break uni project, quickly got global attention as we reached#1 product of the week on our product hunt launch day, and it has since been gaining love and admiration for its approach on personal productivity, and it's use of persuasive technology to enable the growth of an individual.
- shake_detector
shake_detector Publica flutter package to detect shake gestures, configurable and simple api.
- volume_listener
volume_listener Publicflutter plugin to listen on hardware volume key press events.
Swift 3
- aws_s3_upload_lite Public Forked fromYoda-Man/aws_s3_upload_lite
A simple, convenient package for uploading to AWS S3
folksable/aws_s3_upload_lite’s past year of commit activity - fast_cached_network_image Public Forked fromCHRISTOPANANJICKAL/fast_cached_network_image
A flutter package to cache network image fastly without native dependencies.
folksable/fast_cached_network_image’s past year of commit activity - flutter_app_badger Public Forked fromg123k/flutter_app_badger
Support to update the app badge on the launcher (both for Android and iOS)
folksable/flutter_app_badger’s past year of commit activity