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🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer


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Standard - JavaScript Style Guide
JavaScript Standard Style

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JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter

This module saves you (and others!) time in three ways:

  • No configuration. The easiest way to enforce code quality in yourproject. No decisions to make. No.eslintrc files to manage. It just works.
  • Automatically format code. Just runstandard --fix and say goodbye tomessy or inconsistent code.
  • Catch style issues & programmer errors early. Save precious code reviewtime by eliminating back-and-forth between reviewer & contributor.

Give it a try by runningnpx standard --fix right now!

Table of Contents


The easiest way to use JavaScript Standard Style is to install it globally as aNode command line program. Run the following command in Terminal:

$ npm install standard --global

Or, you can installstandard locally, for use in a single project:

$ npm install standard --save-dev

Note: To run the preceding commands,Node.js andnpm must be installed.


After you've installedstandard, you should be able to use thestandard program. Thesimplest use case would be checking the style of all JavaScript files in thecurrent working directory:

$ standardError: Use JavaScript Standard Style  lib/torrent.js:950:11: Expected'===' and instead saw'=='.

If you've installedstandard locally, run withnpx instead:

$ npx standard

You can optionally pass in a directory (or directories) using the glob pattern. Besure to quote paths containing glob patterns so that they are expanded bystandard instead of your shell:

$ standard"src/util/**/*.js""test/**/*.js"

Note: by defaultstandard will look for all files matching the patterns:**/*.js,**/*.jsx.

What you might do if you're clever

  1. Add it topackage.json

    {"name":"my-cool-package","devDependencies": {"standard":"*"  },"scripts": {"test":"standard && node my-tests.js"  }}
  2. Style is checked automatically when you runnpm test

    $ npmtestError: Use JavaScript Standard Style  lib/torrent.js:950:11: Expected'===' and instead saw'=='.
  3. Never give style feedback on a pull request again!

Why should I use JavaScript Standard Style?

The beauty of JavaScript Standard Style is that it's simple. No one wants tomaintain multiple hundred-line style configuration files for every module/projectthey work on. Enough of this madness!

This module saves you (and others!) time in three ways:

  • No configuration. The easiest way to enforce consistent style in yourproject. Just drop it in.
  • Automatically format code. Just runstandard --fix and say goodbye tomessy or inconsistent code.
  • Catch style issues & programmer errors early. Save precious code reviewtime by eliminating back-and-forth between reviewer & contributor.

Adoptingstandard style means ranking the importance of code clarity andcommunity conventions higher than personal style. This might not make sense for100% of projects and development cultures, however open source can be a hostileplace for newbies. Setting up clear, automated contributor expectations makes aproject healthier.

For more info, see the conference talk"Write Perfect Code with Standard andESLint". In this talk, you'll learnabout linting, when to usestandard versuseslint, and howprettier comparestostandard.

Who uses JavaScript Standard Style?

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In addition to companies, many community members usestandard on packages thataretoo numerousto list here.

standard is also the top-starred linter in GitHub'sClean Code Linter showcase.

Are there text editor plugins?

First, installstandard. Then, install the appropriate plugin for your editor:

Sublime Text

UsingPackage Control, installSublimeLinter andSublimeLinter-contrib-standard.

For automatic formatting on save, installStandardFormat.



Alternatively, you can installlinter-js-standard-engine. Instead ofbundling a version ofstandard it will automatically use the version installedin your current project. It will also work out of the box with other linters basedonstandard-engine.

For automatic formatting, installstandard-formatter. For snippets,installstandardjs-snippets.

Visual Studio Code

Installvscode-standard. (Includes support for automatic formatting.)

For JS snippets, install:vscode-standardjs-snippets. For React snippets, installvscode-react-standard.


Installale. And add these lines to your.vimrc file.

letg:ale_linters= {\'javascript': ['standard'],\}letg:ale_fixers= {'javascript': ['standard']}

This sets standard as your only linter and fixer for javascript files and so prevents conflicts with eslint. For linting and automatic fixing on save, add these lines to.vimrc:


Alternative plugins to consider includeneomake andsyntastic, both of which have built-in support forstandard (though configuration may be necessary).


InstallFlycheck and check out themanual to learnhow to enable it in your projects.


Search the extension registry for"Standard Code Style" and click "Install".

WebStorm (PhpStorm, IntelliJ, RubyMine, JetBrains, etc.)

WebStormrecently announced native supportforstandard directly in the IDE.

If you still prefer to configurestandard manually,follow this guide. This applies to all JetBrains products, including PhpStorm, IntelliJ, RubyMine, etc.

Is there a readme badge?

Yes! If you usestandard in your project, you can include one of these badges inyour readme to let people know that your code is using the standard style.

JavaScript Style Guide

[![JavaScript Style Guide](](

JavaScript Style Guide

[![JavaScript Style Guide](](

I disagree with rule X, can you change it?

No. The whole point ofstandard is to save you time by avoidingbikeshedding about code style. There are lots of debates online abouttabs vs. spaces, etc. that will never be resolved. These debates just distract fromgetting stuff done. At the end of the day you have to 'just pick something', andthat's the whole philosophy ofstandard -- its a bunch of sensible 'just picksomething' opinions. Hopefully, users see the value in that over defending theirown opinions.

There are a couple of similar packages for anyone who does not want to completely acceptstandard:

If you really want to configure hundreds of ESLint rules individually, you canalways useeslint directly witheslint-config-standard tolayer your changes on top.standard-eject can helpyou migrate fromstandard toeslint andeslint-config-standard.

Pro tip: Just usestandard and move on. There are actual real problems that youcould spend your time solving! :P

But this isn't a real web standard!

Of course it's not! The style laid out here is not affiliated with any official webstandards groups, which is why this repo is calledstandard/standard and notECMA/standard.

The word "standard" has more meanings than just "web standard" :-) For example:

  • This module helps hold our code to a highstandard of quality.
  • This module ensures that new contributors follow some basicstyle standards.

Is there an automatic formatter?

Yes! You can usestandard --fix to fix most issues automatically.

standard --fix is built intostandard for maximum convenience. Most problemsare fixable, but some errors (like forgetting to handle errors) must be fixedmanually.

To save you time,standard outputs the message "Run standard --fix to automatically fix some problems" when it detects problems that can be fixedautomatically.

How do I ignore files?

Certain paths (node_modules/,coverage/,vendor/,*.min.js,and files/folders that begin with. like.git/) are automatically ignored.

Paths in a project's root.gitignore file are also automatically ignored.

Sometimes you need to ignore additional folders or specific minified files. To dothat, add astandard.ignore property topackage.json:

"standard": {"ignore": ["**/out/","/lib/select2/","/lib/ckeditor/","tmp.js"  ]}

How do I disable a rule?

In rare cases, you'll need to break a rule and hide the error generated bystandard.

JavaScript Standard Style usesESLint under-the-hood andyou can hide errors as you normally would if you used ESLint directly.

Disableall rules on a specific line:

file='I know what I am doing'// eslint-disable-line

Or, disableonly the"no-use-before-define" rule:

file='I know what I am doing'// eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define

Or, disable the"no-use-before-define" rule formultiple lines:

/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */console.log('offending code goes here...')console.log('offending code goes here...')console.log('offending code goes here...')/* eslint-enable no-use-before-define */

I use a library that pollutes the global namespace. How do I prevent "variable is not defined" errors?

Some packages (e.g.mocha) put their functions (e.g.describe,it) on theglobal object (poor form!). Since these functions are not defined orrequire'danywhere in your code,standard will warn that you're using a variable that isnot defined (usually, this rule is really useful for catching typos!). But we wantto disable it for these global variables.

To letstandard (as well as humans reading your code) know that certain variablesare global in your code, add this to the top of your file:

/* global myVar1, myVar2 */

If you have hundreds of files, it may be desirable to avoid adding comments toevery file. In this case, run:

$ standard --global myVar1 --global myVar2

Or, add this topackage.json:

{"standard": {"globals": ["myVar1","myVar2" ]  }}

Note:global andglobals are equivalent.

How do I use experimental JavaScript (ES Next) features?

standard supports the latest ECMAScript features, ES8 (ES2017), includinglanguage feature proposals that are in "Stage 4" of the proposal process.

To support experimental language features,standard supports specifying acustom JavaScript parser. Before using a custom parser, consider whether the addedcomplexity is worth it.

To use a custom parser, first install it from npm:

npm install @babel/eslint-parser --save-dev

Then run:

$ standard --parser @babel/eslint-parser

Or, add this topackage.json:

{"standard": {"parser":"@babel/eslint-parser"  }}

Can I use a JavaScript language variant, like Flow or TypeScript?

standard supports the latest ECMAScript features. However, Flow and TypeScript add newsyntax to the language, so they are not supported out-of-the-box.

For TypeScript, an official variantts-standard is supported and maintained that provides a verysimilar experience tostandard.

For other JavaScript language variants,standard supports specifying a custom JavaScriptparser as well as an ESLint plugin to handle the changed syntax. Before using a JavaScriptlanguage variant, consider whether the added complexity is worth it.


ts-standard is the officially supported variant forTypeScript.ts-standard supports all the same rules and options asstandard and includesadditional TypeScript specific rules.ts-standard will even lint regularjavascript filesby setting the configuration intsconfig.json.

npm install ts-standard --save-dev

Then run (wheretsconfig.json is located in the working directory):

$ ts-standard

Or, add this topackage.json:

{"ts-standard": {"project":"./tsconfig.json"  }}

Note: To include additional files in linting such as test files, create atsconfig.eslint.json file to use instead.

If you really want to configure hundreds of ESLint rules individually, you can always use eslintdirectly witheslint-config-standard-with-typescriptto layer your changes on top.


To use Flow, you need to runstandard with@babel/eslint-parser as the parser andeslint-plugin-flowtype as a plugin.

npm install @babel/eslint-parser eslint-plugin-flowtype --save-dev

Then run:

$ standard --parser @babel/eslint-parser --plugin flowtype

Or, add this topackage.json:

{"standard": {"parser":"@babel/eslint-parser","plugins": ["flowtype" ]  }}

Note:plugin andplugins are equivalent.

What about Mocha, Jest, Jasmine, QUnit, etc?

To support mocha in test files, add this to the top of the test files:

/* eslint-env mocha */

Or, run:

$ standard --env mocha

Wheremocha can be one ofjest,jasmine,qunit,phantomjs, and so on. To see afull list, check ESLint'sspecifying environmentsdocumentation. For a list of what globals are available for these environments,check theglobals npmmodule.

Note:env andenvs are equivalent.

What about Web Workers and Service Workers?

Add this to the top of web worker files:

/* eslint-env worker */

This letsstandard (as well as humans reading the code) know thatself is aglobal in web worker code.

For Service workers, add this instead:

/* eslint-env serviceworker */

What is the difference between warnings and errors?

standard treats all rule violations as errors, which means thatstandardwill exit with a non-zero (error) exit code.

However, we may occasionally release a new major version ofstandardwhich changes a rule that affects the majority ofstandard users (for example,transitioning fromvar tolet/const). We do this only when we think theadvantage is worth the cost and only when the rule isauto-fixable.

In these situations, we have a "transition period" where the rule change is onlya "warning". Warnings don't causestandard to return a non-zero (error)exit code. However, a warning message will still print to the console. Duringthe transition period,using standard --fix will update your code so that it'sready for the next major version.

The slow and careful approach is what we strive for withstandard. We'regenerally extremely conservative in enforcing the usage of new languagefeatures. We want usingstandard to be light and fun and so we're carefulabout making changes that may get in your way. As always, you candisable a rule at any time, if necessary.

Can I check code inside of Markdown or HTML files?

To check code inside Markdown files, usestandard-markdown.

Alternatively, there are ESLint plugins that can check code inside Markdown, HTML,and many other types of language files:

To check code inside Markdown files, use an ESLint plugin:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-markdown

Then, to check JS that appears inside code blocks, run:

$ standard --plugin markdown'**/*.md'

To check code inside HTML files, use an ESLint plugin:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-html

Then, to check JS that appears inside<script> tags, run:

$ standard --plugin html'**/*.html'

Is there a Gitpre-commit hook?

Yes! Hooks are great for ensuring that unstyled code never even makes it into your repo.Never give style feedback on a pull request again!

You even have a choice...

Install your own hook

#!/bin/bash# Ensure all JavaScript files staged for commit pass standard code stylefunctionxargs-r() {# Portable version of "xargs -r". The -r flag is a GNU extension that# prevents xargs from running if there are no input files.if IFS=read -r -d$'\n' path;thenecho"$path"| cat -| xargs"$@"fi}git diff --name-only --cached --relative| grep'\.jsx\?$'| sed's/[^[:alnum:]]/\\&/g'| xargs-r -E'' -t standardif [[$?-ne 0 ]];thenecho'JavaScript Standard Style errors were detected. Aborting commit.'exit 1fi

Use apre-commit hook

Thepre-commit library allows hooks to be declared within a.pre-commit-config.yaml configuration file in the repo, and therefore more easily maintained across a team.

Users of pre-commit can simply addstandard to their.pre-commit-config.yaml file, which will automatically fix.js,.jsx,.mjs and.cjs files:

  -repo:      -id:standard

Alternatively, for more advanced styling configurations, usestandard within theeslint hook:

  -repo:      -id:eslintfiles:\.[jt]sx?$# *.js, *.jsx, *.ts and *.tsxtypes:[file]additional_dependencies:          -eslint@latest          -eslint-config-standard@latest# and whatever other plugins...

How do I make the output all colorful and pretty?

The built-in output is simple and straightforward, but if you like shiny things,installsnazzy:

$ npm install snazzy

And run:

$ standard| snazzy

There's alsostandard-tap,standard-json,standard-reporter, andstandard-summary.

Is there a Node.js API?


async standard.lintText(text, [opts])

Lint the provided sourcetext. Anopts object may be provided:

{// unique to lintTextfilename:'',// path of file containing the text being linted// common to lintText and lintFilescwd:'',// current working directory (default: process.cwd())fix:false,// automatically fix problemsextensions:[],// file extensions to lint (has sane defaults)globals:[],// custom global variables to declareplugins:[],// custom eslint pluginsenvs:[],// custom eslint environmentparser:'',// custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint)usePackageJson:true,// use options from nearest package.json?useGitIgnore:true// use file ignore patterns from .gitignore?}

All options are optional, though some ESLint plugins require thefilename option.

Additional options may be loaded from apackage.json if it's found for the current working directory. See below for further details.

Returns aPromise resolving to theresults or rejected with anError.

Theresults object will contain the following properties:

constresults={results:[{filePath:'',messages:[{ruleId:'',message:'',line:0,column:0}],errorCount:0,warningCount:0,output:''// fixed source code (only present with {fix: true} option)}],errorCount:0,warningCount:0}

async standard.lintFiles(files, [opts])

Lint the providedfiles globs. Anopts object may be provided:

{// unique to lintFilesignore:[],// file globs to ignore (has sane defaults)// common to lintText and lintFilescwd:'',// current working directory (default: process.cwd())fix:false,// automatically fix problemsextensions:[],// file extensions to lint (has sane defaults)globals:[],// custom global variables to declareplugins:[],// custom eslint pluginsenvs:[],// custom eslint environmentparser:'',// custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint)usePackageJson:true,// use options from nearest package.json?useGitIgnore:true// use file ignore patterns from .gitignore?}

Additional options may be loaded from apackage.json if it's found for the current working directory. See below for further details.

Bothignore andfiles patterns are resolved relative to the current working directory.

Returns aPromise resolving to theresults or rejected with anError (same as above).

How do I contribute to StandardJS?

Contributions are welcome! Check out theissues or thePRs, and make your own if you want something that you don't see there.

Want to chat?Join contributors on Discord.

Here are some important packages in thestandard ecosystem:

There are also manyeditor plugins, a list ofnpm packages that usestandard,and an awesome list ofpackages in thestandard ecosystem.

Security Policies and Procedures

Thestandard team and community take all security bugs instandard seriously. Please see oursecurity policies and procedures document to learn how to report issues.


MIT. Copyright (c)Feross Aboukhadijeh.

