eXo Platform
We've verified that the organizationexoplatform controls the domain:
- exoplatform.com
- eXo Platform is an extensible open source Digital Workplace software that helps people work together. It comes with an extensive set of features spanning all work areas :
- Communication : tools for top-down and bottom up communications and communities management
- Collaboration : tools to collaborate efficiently from any device and any location
- Knowledge : tools to organize, manage, share and promote your organization's knowledge
- Productivity : transversal tools that boost individual productivity and recognize employee contributions
eXo Platformfeatures and capabilities include :
- Communication : CMS, news management, social network, gamification, community animation tools and analytics
- Collaboration : spaces, chat/videoconferencing, collaborative agendas, project management/tasks
- Knowledge : DMS, notes, tacit knowledge and search
- Productivity : processes, bookmarks, personnalisation, applications center, notifications, mobile, token based recognition
Three things characterize eXo Platform and set it apart from any other digital workplace :
- Superior user experience. eXo Platform centers on the user and provides a superior user experience thanks to its modern architecture and a software stack based onVuejs/Vuetify andJava.
- Open-source. The platform is open source. It proudly builds on top of fantastic OSS such asElasticSearch,Tomcat,Jitsi,OnlyOffice andMeeds. We offer a free community edition under anAGPL license -github repository. We support open standards.
- Enhanced security. The platform includes enhanced security features, shipped with the enterprise edition, and developed in sensitive client contexts.
eXo Platform is distributed under two editions -eXo Platform CE (community edition) andeXo Platform EE (enterprise edition).
eXo Platform Community Edition is distributed for free, under the open sourceAGPL license
eXo Platform Enterprise Edition is distributed under acommercial license, using asubscription model.
More on the similarities and differences between the editions can be found here :Enteprise vs Community
- Check out ourfree hosted trial :eXo hosted trial.
- Torun our community edition on your machine, start here :eXo starting guide.
- Browse ourtechnical documentation here :eXo technical documentation.
- Find the eXo Community PackagingSource Code repository here :eXo public distribution
- Find ourREST APIs listed here :eXo REST APIs.
- For any questions aboutthe community edition, please join our online community platform :eXo Tribe
- For questions about our enterprise edition and commercial offers, contact us on our website -www.exoplatform.com
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eXo Web Conferencing offers a core support for making video calls in eXo Platform. It is a foundation for plugging and managing virtually any web conferencing solutions.
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