Popular repositoriesLoading
- scheduling_service
scheduling_service PublicThe Scheduling API is designed to optimize the route of a trip with multiple stops.
- routing_service
routing_service PublicThis routing service requires a latitude and longitude input for two locations to calculate the shortest route in between. The routing is based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
Java 4
- geocoding_service
geocoding_service PublicThe Geocoding API provides two endpoints (wrapper for the well-known OpenStreetMap geocoder Nominatim and Photon) to transform text-based addresses into GPS coordinates and vice versa.
Java 2
- example-x509-authentication
example-x509-authentication PublicVarious example applications demonstrating x509 authentication using the ExCELL CA's client certificates.
JavaScript 1
- Service-Documentations
Service-Documentations PublicServes as a central hub to store swagger files for all the different services
JavaScript 1
- heatmap_service Public
This API provides a tiled set of attributes (JSON) to create a heatmap visualization for the ExCELL test area - the city of Dresden.
excell-mobility/heatmap_service’s past year of commit activity - Service-Documentations Public
Serves as a central hub to store swagger files for all the different services
excell-mobility/Service-Documentations’s past year of commit activity - geocoding_service Public
The Geocoding API provides two endpoints (wrapper for the well-known OpenStreetMap geocoder Nominatim and Photon) to transform text-based addresses into GPS coordinates and vice versa.
excell-mobility/geocoding_service’s past year of commit activity - anonymization Public
This API takes individual GPS tracks and removes properties which are critical in terms of user privacy.
excell-mobility/anonymization’s past year of commit activity - scheduling_service Public
The Scheduling API is designed to optimize the route of a trip with multiple stops.
excell-mobility/scheduling_service’s past year of commit activity - monitoring_service Public
This API provides a status report for a monitored device A with regards to a target location B.
excell-mobility/monitoring_service’s past year of commit activity - routing_service Public
This routing service requires a latitude and longitude input for two locations to calculate the shortest route in between. The routing is based on the Dijkstra algorithm.
excell-mobility/routing_service’s past year of commit activity - TravelTimeService Public
excell-mobility/TravelTimeService’s past year of commit activity - TrafficStateService Public
excell-mobility/TrafficStateService’s past year of commit activity - TravelTimeDailyCurvesService Public
excell-mobility/TravelTimeDailyCurvesService’s past year of commit activity