- Notifications
You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork148
Releases: eveseat/seat
#902 merged to add default env settings
Full Changelog:5.0.0...5.0.1
V5 release!
For upgrade instructions see
docker instructions
blade instructions
What's Changed in this package
- ci: replace psr2 braces by laravel braces by@warlof in#851
- Apply fixes from StyleCI by@warlof in#852
- Update readme.md by@leonjza in#885
- 5.0 Release by@Crypta-Eve in#899
Full Changelog:4.0.4...5.0.0
- prevent jobs to be retry before they reached their end of life (leading to
User using a non-docker deployment must manually update this file into their installation.
Its default location is/var/www/seat/config/queue.php
- bump
to v9 - replace deprecated package
- update Tinker version to fix deprecated dependency
If you're using a bare-metal installation of SeAT (non Docker), you will have to manually edit yourcomposer.json
file located at root SeAT installation directory (default is/var/www/seat/composer.json
) and alter the line 19 from"laravel/tinker": "^1.0",
to"laravel/tinker": "^2.5",
in order to be able to deploy that new version.
- add
directories to prevent invalid diagnose when no cache exists or SDE haven't be updated yet
With a little bit of "French Delay", we announce that the new major version of SeAT - 4.0.0 - has been released.
It's containing more than a year of work, including large refactor - especially at database level, and account management - as well as new features.
We sincerely hope that this new version will receive a warm welcome.
I also personally thanks our daily Slack community, including contributors who participate to ship new features, tests and fixes in order to make this new version even better. (@Crypta-Eve,@ppfeufer,@autophob,@BenThompson0, @darkflamed,@JLCarveth,@wfjsw,@flyingferret, Fraternity, Get off My Lawn, Solyaris, and all others I may miss)
Moons Reporter
Near almost corporation and alliance are managing moons scanning with giant (Google) sheets seeded by large amount of rows that take minutes to load.
This new version is coming with a fresh new vision of moons scanning management by providing you a tool to store, list and give you ways to search stuff regarding moons. For those were already use it, it's an extension of the Extraction mechanics.
It's been heared that people would have some automation system to help them to manage user and their access easier. With previsous version, this was something which could be sort using third party plugin calledseat-groups
. With SeAT 4, there is now a built-in system, allowing you to design complex rules like : "having item X" or "having skill Y".
Furthermore, this system is event based. To be short, it mean rules will be applied to user as soon as status changed (ie: character X get a titan).
Squads have been designed with love to help you leverage your community management by providing tools and user friendly interface.
Access Control Layer (ACL)
The role/permission system has been completely revamp at both UI and business level in order to provide a more flexible and more user friendly module.
- New user interface including role logo, which can be used by third party integrator (ie: to be used in your forums)
- Affiliation mechanics has been replaced in favor of a
system - New permissions for corporation divisions has been introduced (including both wallet and asset division)
- Redesign permission structure which has now
- a
: used in code only and which have to be unique - a
: displayed on the end user interface and that could be translated - an optional
: displayed on the end user interface as help block, and that could be translated - a
system : which help to determine the way permission have to be check (global
, etc...)
- a
- Superuser role and permission has been redesigned and become an user flag - you'll now have to define administrator at user level
Assets are the most complex part of data to handle due to the way data are disclosed by ESI - including business rules in which I'll not fall. However, this part get some love too in order to make it faster to load, more searchable and provide more visibility regarding locations.
- There are now searchable by name, type, group, location and even inside containers
- Stuff inside containers are non longer visible at list level. Each container got an action button near to the line allowing you to show what's inside it
- You can now get access to fitted module directly from the ship line, the exact same way it's visible from "Fittings" section
The old regretted Blueprint section which were giving you access to all owned blueprint - either original or copies - is back.
As per assets, you get access to their direct location.
Of course, they are searchable by type, category and location - including filters to restrict list to either originals, copies, or both of them.
In addition of standing level filter, you are now able to restrict a list by entity type (character, corporation and/or alliance).
As other views, contracts can now be filtered by status and types. The detail view has been improved to get more information, including reward, partners and assets (in case of item exchanges).
Fittings list and details have been revamp. You can now get insurances details and have the ability to export a fitting (using in-game format)
You'll also get estimated value of each fitting from hull, fitting and hull + fitting.
Like contacts and contracts list, the industry list have been improved to provide an advanced quick search system, allowing you to sort entries per status and activities.
Killmails have been uniformized between character and corporation views - they not yet provide kill details from SeAT, but it's planned for next minor update.
Structures list has been revamp and receive same new features as fitting list. You can now get access to a structure fitting and it is exportable using in-game format.
The notification module have been completely redesigned, providing more flexibility regarding new notification design and even including new notifications. As per squads, there are non longer commands to handle their dispatch - they are queued as soon as a data that trigger them changed.
Custom links
Instance owner are now able to customize entries from sidebar with their own links.
SSO and required scopes
SeAT is know supporting multiple scopes authentication profiles to allow you to manage both Alliance mates and bluebits.
Entities external from your organization will non longer need to provide you all stuff if you don't want to.
SeAT 4 is shipped with Laravel 6 stack and the old bouncer system have been replaced by Gates.
Also, third party integrator should use the SeAT provider class (Seat\Services\AbstractSeatPlugin
) instead Laravel standard, to ensure full support and benefit of some helper regarding permissions and SDE management (you can now register custom SDE tables).
As already estate, a large database refactor has been operate, resulting in less duplicated tables and increased relationship. SDE management has been improved to split the single map table into dedicated entities (region, constellations, systems, planets and moons). As non exhaustive list, here are area of changes :
- contacts
- contracts
- killmails
- users
- skills
- planetary interaction
Also, most surrogate keys have been drop.
Jobs management has been revamp and now used dedicated queue, based on activity :
- characters
- corporations
- notifications
- public
- high
- default
Most of jobs are now operating single action (ie: update alliance X information). As a result, you may experience more jobs to be queued than before. However, they'll also be processed faster and consumed less resources. Last but not least, with new queue structure, you'll be able to assign workers according to queue size - if needed.
There are still some planed change regarding them, especially at throttling level - this changes should land in next minors update since they should be backward compatible.
We are now using the new SSO system (v2) - existing user tokens should be natively converted by CCP servers at first call.
v4.0.0 - Release Candidate 3
v4.0.0 - Release Candidate 2
- Improve the plugin provider by adding
method to make API configuration updates easier (the method will take care of annotations paths merge into the config)
v4.0.0 - Realase Candidate 1
- UpgradeLaravel Framework from 5.5.x to 6.0.x
- UpgradeBootstrap Framework from 3.x to 4.x
- UpgradeAdminLTE Template from 2.x to 3.x
- UpgradeFontAwesome Icons Set from 4.7.x to 5.9.x
- Use
extension instead ofPredis
Access Control Layer (ACL)
- New user interface including role logo which can be used by third party integrator
- Affiliation mechanics has been replaced in favor of a
system - New permissions for corporation divisions has been introduced
- Redesign permission structure which has now
- a name : used in code only and which must be unique
- a label : displayed to end user which can be translated
- an optional description : displayed to end user which can be translated
- a scope :
scope cannot usefilters
) - a category : used to group permissions together with an icon
(and all non character or corporation permissions) are now attached toglobal
scope -global.superuser
- Most tables have been switched to the awesome Yajra/Datatables package and use service integration
- Most tables are now server side rendered based on pagination
- Filters have been added to markets, contracts, contacts and industries views
- Blueprints view which was lost in v3 due to initial lacks of ESI has been reintroduced (thanks to CCP :) )
- Numbers of characters related to a same pool is now displayed on the summary sheet
- Fittings details have been redesigned and show more information
- Contracts details have been redesigned and show more information
- Blueprints view which was lost in v3 due to initial lacks of ESI has been reintroduced (thanks to CCP :) )
- Structure Fittings and fuel state are now accessible - with an In-Game import function
- New ledgers has been introduced (thanks to@soratidus999)
- Contracts details have been redesigned and show more information
Third Party
- Move
package tocore
- UI Upgrades
css class used with SeAT 3.x | css class used with SeAT 4.x |
panel | card |
panel-heading | card-header |
panel-title | card-title |
panel-body | card-body |
panel-footer | card-footer |
Sidebar menu icons must now include the icons sheet class together with the icon class due to FontAwesome refactor (fas
for solid sheet,far
for regular sheet,fab
for brands sheet)